I almost never have WoW crash when I STOP the bot... however, it will crash WoW 3 out of 4 times that I close HB. I have often stopped and restarted HB while running a toon (having it do something stupid so I stop and restart HB, or if I want to change from a GB2 profile to run LazyRaider for an instance or 2...)
However if HB is working screwy (not doing something it normally does - ie every now and then I'll run a BG or instance with Combat Bot or LR and the CC won't react like it should... so I stop HB, shut it down, restart it and then HB works as advertised...) BUT... after I stop HB and then click the X to close it, about 75% of the time, it will crash WoW. Don't have any logs but I can create some with no problems.
I have to admit though that I'd have to shut down my Wow addons first for a pure test. I generally run with several addons running cause I am often doing more than one thing... I'll do some gathering, then I'll prospect, JC and disenchant... sell the mats on the AH... Addons like Prospect, Auctionator, Auctioneer and others make my life easier. But if a pure test is desired, I'm certainly willing to assist with that...
It would sound like most of you are having it crash literally when you hit the Stop button, not actually closing HB then?