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Stop bot = wow crash

Well it should be priority, cuz this is total SHIT!!!! Every 3rd time i press stop bot BAM WoW Error ... Has this bot become just money maker in last months or what? In the start devs were fixing errors and bot was perfect ... but now? Everything is going to shit ...


Same issue. Seems random, but I always cringe when I have to press the Stop button because there's a good chance WoW is going to crash.. which also locks my HB so I can't log back in for a few minutes.

Hopefully gets fixed. Forums allow great communicate from devs on updates... *hint hint*
Same issue. Seems random, but I always cringe when I have to press the Stop button because there's a good chance WoW is going to crash.. which also locks my HB so I can't log back in for a few minutes.

Hopefully gets fixed. Forums allow great communicate from devs on updates... *hint hint*

HAHA! Every time I push the stop button I'm like, "Please please don't crash!!!" :P
HAHA! Every time I push the stop button I'm like, "Please please don't crash!!!" :P

Ditto. Logs or no logs this is a PROBLEM and they really should please try to fix it. I get frustrated and vent on here a lot... But my intention isnt to hurt feelings or bash on work that has been really well done... The over all bot is amazing... Its always the quirks which get me... Doesn't matter what bot you go and try... Always a problem with one of them...
Since downloading using Honorbuddy, Wow crashes have increaed 100% not just crashed FREEZES im freezing like 20 times a night or more everytime i use a vendore im freezing never had this problem before HB
I'm willing to submit any kind of logs/system info to get rid of this issue for good. Just ask. I've got like tons of logs and crash reports, and dump files from wow client.
I almost never have WoW crash when I STOP the bot... however, it will crash WoW 3 out of 4 times that I close HB. I have often stopped and restarted HB while running a toon (having it do something stupid so I stop and restart HB, or if I want to change from a GB2 profile to run LazyRaider for an instance or 2...)

However if HB is working screwy (not doing something it normally does - ie every now and then I'll run a BG or instance with Combat Bot or LR and the CC won't react like it should... so I stop HB, shut it down, restart it and then HB works as advertised...) BUT... after I stop HB and then click the X to close it, about 75% of the time, it will crash WoW. Don't have any logs but I can create some with no problems.

I have to admit though that I'd have to shut down my Wow addons first for a pure test. I generally run with several addons running cause I am often doing more than one thing... I'll do some gathering, then I'll prospect, JC and disenchant... sell the mats on the AH... Addons like Prospect, Auctionator, Auctioneer and others make my life easier. But if a pure test is desired, I'm certainly willing to assist with that...

It would sound like most of you are having it crash literally when you hit the Stop button, not actually closing HB then?
Altoids said:
It would sound like most of you are having it crash literally when you hit the Stop button, not actually closing HB then?

Yes. The scenario is...
  • Hit HB's "Stop" button
  • HB thinks about it for 10-15secs or so
    (I.e., the 'Stop' button doesn't immediately change back to 'Start')
  • HB crashes the WoWclient
  • HB crashes itself

Your scenario of the 'close box' for the HB window may also trigger the problem. It has all the tell-tale signs of a race condition in HB threads.

I had this happen with Instancebuddy and Questing a lot.
To me it seems like it only crashes when its performing some action when I hit the stop button.
Like if its just fighting or moving atm. If ist just waiting (f.e. for bg invite) I almost never get a crash when I hit stop
This problem is still happening... This is really annoying, I can't get in and out of an instance without HB crashing WoW... Not addons or plugins problem :/
Yep, welcome to the club.

I even tried swaping the memory to see if was something that could also be related to hardware, no changes.
Happens alot with InstanceBuddy, disabling addons like Talented helps alot, Talented makes this thing that when It gets to loading screen it still searches for the talent build (and it appears on the log), and when it does it just crashes WoW... I was running 3 wow's and the one where Talented did his thing was the one that crashed.
Looks like the support on this thread has been discontinued. I posted my issues a few days ago about this crashing. The unfortunate thing for me is that it crashes DURING use. 3 times today alone BG Bot has crashed WoW on me during use. Prior to the last update i never had an issue with this.

Are we supposed to accept crashes as part of using the bot? Might be an important thing to point out for those new buyers. I'm coming from Pirox and while it was much more complicated to setup, it ran flawlessly for me. I praised HB and got 2 buddies to buy it and in the last week all 3 of us have soured on it b/c of the crashes.

Not much we can do about now since we've already dropped our money on it. Would be nice to hear from someone that this is AT LEAST being looked into.
as we have already said,it a known issue and its already fixed on next release
Im interested to hear WHEN it will be released. Yesterday Bossland said that a new version of HB (incl. localisations e.g. german) will maybe come out on the 22th (this also was yesterday) but nothing came. So i think it wont be long until you will roll it out?