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Still going strong on two accounts even after having one other account banned. Day it was banned started up a new account and botted him up to 85.
Which really one account banned for the years that I've been doing this (end of BC / start of wrath) it does not really come up as a concern for me. Though having separate accounts doing the botting probably helps with this as my main actual day 1 account does not interact with the bots directly. I mostly do it for fun, some side income and gold when needed.
I will also least once a week manually take the bots through a random dungeon etc, talk it up in trade chat etc. kinda of a break reward for their hard effort
Also helps to make it seem like they do something other than just gather.
(gold is transfered around the AH by selling stacks of ore at lower than normal value. Main buys it, and other people looking to get a good deal. Main then later will either prospect resale at higher than normal prices with it still higher than original price for the bot accounts to buy, or resale the ore in the same fashion. I also change around my AH posting characters to not make them completely common sight)
got 3 of my 4 accounts 72 hour suspensions a couple weeks ago. They stripped my guild bank, deleted 10 level 80's that I was RAF'ing and took 1.2 million gold from my accounts.
I'm back botting again and back up to about 180,000g so far. That's with 2 accounts farming and my main just pvp'ing. The RAF account will not be re-activated
I'm currently leveling 3 dk's with an average online time of 20-22hours. The only thing i change multiple times a day, is the way they bot. BG / Instances / Questing / Archeology. Runs fine and smooth without bans.