Many replies, but none about the main question.
So, where should we buy a new licence?
Should we use the same to keep the heirlooms/achivements or should we start completely fresh?
Should we limit for now at the "plain WoW"/battlechest, as it have full WoD until expansion? Or we should risk it and buy Legion too for the lvl100 char bost?
Will we bot again on the new account? Or we wait to see whats happen? Or going to extreme and swear to not bot again?
PS: Last night I got banned on my 5 (five) farming accounts (running only MoP dungeons in party), but also on my main `cause I trade gold and items between them. (different BNet accounts)
Also, I got a ban on a "starter edition" that was on a separate BNet account where I had a lvl 19 twink. LOOOOL