if you do not want legion, wod is now part of battlechest. I would just buy one on g2a or kinguin. they are 9.00
Battlechests can only be used once per b.net account. So you'd have to make a whole new battle.net account and lose all achievements / mounts / pets
False I have 1 Bnet account with 6 sub accounts under it, all 6 were purchased as battlechest.
same done it heapsFalse I have 1 Bnet account with 6 sub accounts under it, all 6 were purchased as battlechest.
Battlechests can only be used once per b.net account. So you'd have to make a whole new battle.net account and lose all achievements / mounts / pets
their is no such deal. WoD is now added to a battle chest for 19.99 includes 1 month game time which is how they are coming up with 5 dollar games. Does not include to boosted 100. If you want to purchase legion with a battle chest as mentioned before it comes with a boosted 100 but no free game time. I just started over with a basic battle chest for now as the free game time will bring me to the time of getting my main account back that was suspended in the December ban wave.
Battlechests can only be used once per b.net account. So you'd have to make a whole new battle.net account and lose all achievements / mounts / pets
Many replies, but none about the main question.Anyone know of any good deals out there right now? I'm going to start a new account just to play with friends and skip out on bottling for now.
Just reiterating, you are dead wrong.Incorrect.
Battlechests can only be used once per b.net account. So you'd have to make a whole new battle.net account and lose all achievements / mounts / pets
I would RAF Multibox in which case, 2 days max if you go hard. Without it, way too fucking long.If one was to start over entirely how long would the 1-100 process take w/o botting ?