What does this have to do with a login wait timer?..
The starter loads the game just as if it were not used, there is no setting to change.
Also, for some reason on one of my VMs, the bot crashes, then restarts, eventually gets in after max sessions times out, logs in, starts a game and sits there until innactivity timer kicks in. After this...the bot/game restarts and goes through the whole process again, starting with max sessions.
I am running this on one other vm and so far no issues, VM is a clone of the one that is having this issue and have been set up EXACTLY the same.
Here is the log:
[21:35:48.700 N] Attached to Diablo III with pid: 1740
[21:35:54.356 N] Current bot set to Order Bot
[21:35:54.356 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting BigRed Profile Starter!
[21:35:54.481 N] Chose GilesPlugin as your combat routine.
[21:35:54.918 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting BigRed Profile Starter!
[21:35:55.231 N] Logging into game
[21:36:08.887 N] [BuddyStats]: Settings Loaded
[21:36:08.887 N] [BuddyStats]: Opted OUT of auto updates! To change this setting, adjust settings.cfg file
[21:36:08.903 N] [BuddyStats]: Connecting to server and logging in...
[21:36:09.168 N] [BuddyStats]: Connected to server
[21:36:09.184 N] [BuddyStats]: Website:
Home - BuddyStats
[21:36:09.184 N] [BuddyStats]: [ON]
[21:36:09.262 N] [GilesTrinity] ************************************
[21:36:09.262 N] [GilesTrinity] ENABLED: Giles Trinity now in action!
[21:36:09.262 N] [GilesTrinity] ************************************
[21:36:09.293 N] [RadsAtom] - Inactivty thread is starting.
[21:36:09.293 N] [RadsAtom] - Relogger thread is starting.
[21:36:09.293 N] [RadsAtom] - Syncing..
[21:36:09.309 N] [RadsAtom] - MrWorker thread is starting.
[21:36:09.309 N] Waiting 9.4 seconds before next game...
[21:36:09.590 N] [RadsAtom] - Synced: offset = 0.0005881
[21:36:10.200 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Force enable plugin
[21:36:18.856 N] Creating new game, Params: <Act:A3 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:101758 QuestStep:29 ResumeFromSave:False IsPrivate:True Handicap:0>
[21:36:25.215 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Restarting bot
[21:36:25.215 N] Stopping the bot.
[21:36:26.246 N] GameChanged. Clearing actors
[21:36:26.856 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting BigRed Profile Starter!
[21:36:27.465 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
[21:36:27.465 N] Game joined, Reloading profile.
[21:36:27.856 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting BigRed Profile Starter!
[21:36:28.700 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?