I set everything up, and click run. It waits the 10 seconds to bring up DB, and when it does I get It can't load the profile even when I set it under under step 4. I must be doing something wrong if everyone else doesn't have a problem. Can anyone potentially assist me?
-I understand my problem, but I don't understand how to fix it. DB wont load any profiles or plugins until my account is logged in (I don't know if I am the only one experiencing this, but I tried many times and this is my conclusion about it). The relogger opens diablo, and sits at the loggin page and opens DB and DB can't go unless I'm logged in, so it gets stuck. So with this information, is there any help I could receive?
I'm also experiencing this (or something very close to it). I run 5 bots on my main PC and a 6th during the day when there's an extra available laptop that's accessable. However (like mentioned above) on the Laptop it will load up D3, sit at the login screen and then wait and open DB and DB just sits there saying "Logging in" and eventually YAR closes it because it's not responding. It does that about 3 times and then stops the bot.
Update: I think in the end it may have been a problem with the laptop itself, as it's not mine. (Sister's, she's in college for Nursing and she had documents open, that usually doesn't hinder the bot at all, however it hindered me from restarting her laptop, just to safe...can't have her losing school info just so I can run 1/6th of my bots) When she came back to play WoW it wouldn't even let her load into the game, just the character select screen, so she reset it and WoW was back to normal, i'm going to run YAR on it later today and i'm assuming (I know, I know) that YAR is going to be working fine again.
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