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[StandAlone] Yet Another Relogger!

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Auth killer doesnt work every time
Sometimes i see many games running and others just idle at "max sessions"
i see the problem is d3starter its not updated and its doesnt allow us to run multiple copies so wouldbe nice if you could update it or sth.
[2012-12-12 13:31:23] We are scheduled to start
[2012-12-12 13:31:23] Next scheduled stop: 12-12 13:0
[2012-12-12 13:31:23] Killing Agent.exe:4344
[2012-12-12 13:31:23] Deleting: C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\agent.db
[2012-12-12 13:31:23] Replacing D3Prefs for user: Sex
[2012-12-12 13:31:23] Copy custom D3Prefs file to: \Diablo III\D3Prefs.txt
[2012-12-12 13:31:24] Language set: English (US) : enUS
[2012-12-12 13:31:24] Region set: Europe : eu.actual.battle.net
[2012-12-12 13:31:24] D3Starter: Val: True
[2012-12-12 13:31:24] D3Starter: Val: True
[2012-12-12 13:31:24] D3Starter: Process ID 1492 started.
[2012-12-12 13:31:24] D3Starter: Patching process 1492
[2012-12-12 13:31:24] D3Starter: Patching file access at address: 81C29D
[2012-12-12 13:31:24] D3Starter: Resuming process 1492
[2012-12-12 13:31:26] D3Starter: 1 game instances started! All done!
[2012-12-12 13:31:26] Here the info bout process (1492) has been closed.
[2012-12-12 13:31:26] Diablo:1492: Process is not running
[2012-12-12 13:31:26] Killing Agent.exe:4184
[2012-12-12 13:31:26] Replacing D3Prefs for user: Sex
[2012-12-12 13:31:26] Copy custom D3Prefs file to: \Diablo III\D3Prefs.txt
[2012-12-12 13:31:27] Language set: English (US) : enUS
[2012-12-12 13:31:27] Region set: Europe : eu.actual.battle.net
[2012-12-12 13:31:27] D3Starter: Val: True
[2012-12-12 13:31:27] D3Starter: Val: True
[2012-12-12 13:31:27] D3Starter: Process ID 2248 started.
[2012-12-12 13:31:27] D3Starter: Patching process 2248
[2012-12-12 13:31:27] D3Starter: Patching file access at address: 81C29D
[2012-12-12 13:31:27] D3Starter: Resuming process 2248
[2012-12-12 13:31:28] D3Starter: 1 game instances started! All done!
[2012-12-12 13:31:28] Same process has been canceled.(2248)
2012-12-12 13:31:45] w System.Diagnostics.Process.set_ProcessorAffinity(IntPtr value)
w YetAnotherRelogger.Helpers.Bot.DiabloClass.Start()
w YetAnotherRelogger.Relogger.StartBoth(BotClass bot)
w YetAnotherRelogger.Relogger.ReloggerWorker()
New patch is not compatible with yar for me. Launching updater even though game is up to date.
This is working when I give each account its own folder to put a D3 Clone (I assume that is what i am supposed to do?), Because if I put them all to the same clone location it tries to start multiple copies but every one after the first just either takes a long time to load or never responses.

WHat do you mean by putting each account its own folder? your mean for D3,YAR and demonbuddy too, everything new folder then it will work?

The new hardlinks works for me. But i can only open one, and when i try to open the 2nd, it take a long time or never responese..
It works if you first make a clonemap from original d3folder for each d3 client, then swap from the diablo path to a shortcut in the clonefolder to the new cloned exe with -launch
Cant get YAR to work. Can never get the combat plugin running. D3 starts, but error stats i do not have gilesplugin. Anyone else having this issue?
WHat do you mean by putting each account its own folder? your mean for D3,YAR and demonbuddy too, everything new folder then it will work?

The new hardlinks works for me. But i can only open one, and when i try to open the 2nd, it take a long time or never responese..

Clone needs to be created on same filesystem as where Diablo installation is this is a limitation by Hardlinks (so I can not change anything about this) for example:
Installation folder:
C:\Program files\Diablo III
Clone location:
Bot 1 C:\Clone\Bot1
Bot 2 C:\Clone\Bot2

if you would do it like that it should be working
I was using hotkeys for resizing to fullscreen with HOME and repositioning them back with END but
for some reason it has stopped working. When I delete the bindings and add them back in again
they work but only once. Any way to get this back working?
I was using hotkeys for resizing to fullscreen with HOME and repositioning them back with END but
for some reason it has stopped working. When I delete the bindings and add them back in again
the work but only once. Any way to get this back working?
Experiencing same issue.
When is buddyauth getting fixed? I have to manually fix sessions every 10-20 min..
sinterlkaas, is there a fix for the routine selection screen? I am running my DB on 2 machines fine, but cant get YAR to work past getting the routine selection right.
any way to make it respect d3prefs file when using different windows users?? it's really important for performance i wrote 3x about it and on response :(
I was using hotkeys for resizing to fullscreen with HOME and repositioning them back with END but
for some reason it has stopped working. When I delete the bindings and add them back in again
they work but only once. Any way to get this back working?
This should be fixed in latest experimental build (I will add a link to my Main thread after this post)

When is buddyauth getting fixed? I have to manually fix sessions every 10-20 min..
What exact problems do you get when using buddyauth ? no errors ? like internal server error or something ?

sinterlkaas, is there a fix for the routine selection screen? I am running my DB on 2 machines fine, but cant get YAR to work past getting the routine selection right.
You should select the right routine for your bot.. but if you use the latest Trinity Community version just enter Trinity in routine selection and save the bot it should be working

any way to make it respect d3prefs file when using different windows users?? it's really important for performance i wrote 3x about it and on response :(
You could try manually replacing any of those files d3prefs files which are located like this:
C:\users\<username>\Diablo III\D3prefs.txt

note that there could also be a default user if so replace that D3prefs file too..
i have aproblem after the patch, i start all the bots but i get "D3Starter failed!" and then it open the diablo launcher! it wont work even starting the bots one by one
I tryed to disable starter and it work with one bot, then abling the d3starter and start running another bots dont work!
there is the log when i start one without the starter and then abling the starter and starting the second bot
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> We are scheduled to start
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> Next scheduled stop: 18/12 4:8
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> Killing Agent.exe:8744
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> Language set: Italian : itIT
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> Region set: Europe : eu.actual.battle.net
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> D3Starter: Val: True
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> D3Starter: Val: True
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> D3Starter: Process ID 12988 started.
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> D3Starter Error: Il processo con ID 12988 non ? in esecuzione.
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> D3Starter failed!
[12/12/2012 16:18:34] <bot2> Stopping
and there is the log when i able the d3start, flag all the bot and start all togheter:
[12/12/2012 16:23:21] <bot1> We are scheduled to start
[12/12/2012 16:23:21] <bot1> Deleting: C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\agent.db
[12/12/2012 16:23:21] <bot1> Language set: Italian : itIT
[12/12/2012 16:23:21] <bot1> Region set: Europe : eu.actual.battle.net
[12/12/2012 16:23:21] <bot1> D3Starter: Val: True
[12/12/2012 16:23:21] <bot1> D3Starter: Val: True
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot1> D3Starter: Process ID 11948 started.
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot1> D3Starter Error: Il processo con ID 11948 non ? in esecuzione.
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot1> D3Starter failed!
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot1> Stopping
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot2> We are scheduled to start
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot2> Language set: Italian : itIT
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot2> Region set: Europe : eu.actual.battle.net
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot2> D3Starter: Val: True
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot2> D3Starter: Val: True
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot2> D3Starter: Process ID 11164 started.
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot2> D3Starter Error: Il processo con ID 11164 non ? in esecuzione.
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot2> D3Starter failed!
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot2> Stopping
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot3> We are scheduled to start
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot3> Language set: Italian : itIT
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot3> Region set: Europe : eu.actual.battle.net
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot3> D3Starter: Val: True
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot3> D3Starter: Val: True
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot3> D3Starter: Process ID 13952 started.
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot3> D3Starter Error: Il processo con ID 13952 non ? in esecuzione.
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot3> D3Starter failed!
[12/12/2012 16:23:22] <bot3> Stopping

What is going on?

EDIT: i'm reading that the update made d3starter unusable that is why i get the problem?
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Found. Missed out the blank routine. Thanks for prompt help =)
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i have aproblem after the patch, i start all the bots but i get "D3Starter failed!" and then it open the diablo launcher! it wont work even starting the bots one by one
I tryed to disable starter and it work with one bot, then abling the d3starter and start running another bots dont work!
there is the log when i start one without the starter and then abling the starter and starting the second bot
... CUT ...
What is going on?

This is a known problem and seems like Blizzard does not like Apoc D3Starter you can use my latest experimental build and clone your Diablo installations

Experimental build:
This is the build which I update more often to test with other people first
In the folder LatestBuild (or click here)will be latest prebuild application for those of you who do not know how to compile the source
I'm sorry is this has been mentioned before, will there be more then 1 type of schedule, eg atm you can have running or not running, would it be possible to have a third option idle in d3, because lets me honest thats natural behavior for most people playing this game to idle for 5-15 minutes randomly.
New Update!

Changed Symbolic links to Hardlinks you can find latest build here:

did not have time to fully test everything cause I need to go to work
thanks sinterlkaas gr8 job luv u much ;-)

is there any possibility to add in settings tab -> relogger -> auto position / to set db resize ? to all not in bot menu tab?
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What exact problems do you get when using buddyauth ? no errors ? like internal server error or something ?

Well the YAR doesn't kill the sessions which I assume it is supposed to do since we're asked for our login info.
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