try removing the plugin YAR from your DB plugins ,and inputting your PW again in YAR. worked for me=)I tried using this but when it loaded up D3 it wouldn't input my username and password for me, it was just idle.
the problem remains, Demonbuddy often not loaded
Hello guys. How to enable an authenticator?
Sorry for this noob question
Image 1353922430-clip-40kb.jpg
try removing the plugin YAR from your DB plugins ,and inputting your PW again in YAR. worked for me=)
Although this is slightly off topic even though sinterlkaas said he would try add the feature in the future, but does everyone here have no reason to create a unique ID for each client to help avoid the ban hammer in the way that D3loader does? Because although I've tried YAR and think its absolutely amazing at what it does, I personally beleive that it may be unsafe until this unique ID per client has been achieved within YAR. Does anyone here have any/much experience with multiple bots(4+) running bots for any length of time without facing the banhammer, because as i'm relatively new to botting (<1 month) it's hard to find a level of "safety"(used loosely) to be comfortable with.
If YAR had a way of achieving and maintaining this unique ID it would fit all purposes perfectly, perhaps there would be a way of incorporating D3launcher's methods into the way YAR loads DB/D3 rather than using Apoc D3starter???
This is how i'm currently using D3Launcher with D3 A and DB A = User A, D3 B and DB B = User B etc, just wish it was implemented in YAR, must be noted however that Demonbuddy needs to be started with the same user as the d3 client else it cannot communicate correctly, but this actually seems to be a useful feature as it helps prevent DB from connecting to the wrong D3 client and causing issues such as if the DB was optimised for a barb and connected to a Monk acc or DB was configured on account A to have no protected stash pages but account B had 1 stash page protected etc.I think it would be possible to get unique ID using different windows users to launch each d3 client.
Suggestion :
You can add possibility to run cmd before and after start cycle, with cmd I can copy custom D3Perf file and merge .reg with Unique ID specific to bot you start.
Many thanks
yes the found matching log keeps on looping.
not sure which setting triggers it.
i downgrade back to and its fine.
[20:53:09.296 N] Logging in...
[20:53:10.166 N]
Max Sessions
[20:53:10.438 N] Authentication failed!
Over and over again. Happens every time D3 crashes and this plugin tries to restart it, anyone got a workaround?
yes the found matching log keeps on looping.
not sure which setting triggers it.
i downgrade back to and its fine.