[08:33:29.598 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
[08:33:29.598 N] [Atom] - Will Stop the bot for 25 minutes.
[08:33:29.608 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[08:58:29.606 D] Forcing profile reload.
[08:58:29.946 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]CIGGARC Donator Profile 1.06 Profile Starter!
[08:58:29.946 D] Starting bot Order Bot
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [OutOfGame] 22adc12a-e6a7-4cb7-8192-29cde5f4a6c2
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [Death] 6584b443-9199-4710-b0f1-3abc929e0a31
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [RoutineBuffs] 4f15fd66-8f04-4e8d-81ba-14bd4ff38e38
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 701b291d-df23-4416-8a0a-03ed6ee5f51a
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [Combat] 716e801a-f846-4507-857e-845cdd7cd647
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [IdentifyItems] 2d009965-6da6-4aca-aa95-5dbb60a827ea
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [StashItems] 49668491-afe9-4519-811c-f8f44bae3133
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [SellAndRepair] 940c6b1a-7455-4a66-9f9d-7add8dacf92b
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [SalvageItems] b9def24a-e007-4923-9236-1eef5bc6d21f
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [VendorRun] 1d44795e-fae0-47ae-9295-86a9922cdaa0
[08:58:29.946 D] Added new hook [Loot] 722313af-6400-4a25-8926-7a27f4072c9d
[08:58:29.946 D] Replaced hook [BotBehavior] 4e8732a9-a3a4-4b2b-998c-21f03423aeb3
[08:58:29.946 N] [GilesTrinity] Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[08:58:29.946 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[08:58:29.946 D] Bot thread started.
[08:58:29.946 N] [Atom] - 273 minutes to next break, the break will last for 26 minutes.
[08:58:29.956 N] Waiting 45.6 seconds before next game...
[08:59:15.547 N] Creating new game, Params: <Act:A3 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:101758 QuestStep:29 ResumeFromSave:False IsPrivate:True Handicap:0>
[08:59:21.667 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] ############## Pulse Fix ##############
[08:59:21.667 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] PulseFix: Plugin is already enabled -> Disable it for now
[08:59:21.667 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Disabled!
[08:59:21.667 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Force enable plugin
[08:59:21.667 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] PulseFix: Waiting for first pulse
[08:59:23.037 N] GameChanged. Clearing actors
[08:59:23.197 N] [GoldInactivityTimer]: Not Picking Up Gold For 1570 Seconds
[08:59:23.197 N] [GoldInactivityTimer]: Sent Restart Request
[08:59:23.227 N] [GoldInactivityTimer]: Force Start Profile enabled, Loading start profile
[08:59:23.507 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]CIGGARC Donator Profile 1.06 Profile Starter!
[08:59:23.507 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] ea61a843-b845-46c7-8a9a-a6878ded8b19
[08:59:23.567 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] ############## End Fix ##############
[08:59:25.947 N] Stopping the bot.
[08:59:25.947 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[08:59:25.947 D] Navigator.Clear()
[08:59:25.947 D] Navigator.Clear
[08:59:25.947 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[08:59:25.947 D] OnStop event
[08:59:25.947 D] OnStop Event Invoking
[08:59:25.947 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
[08:59:26.167 D] System.NullReferenceException: Odwołanie do obiektu nie zostało ustawione na wystąpienie obiektu.
w GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.GilesGlobalOverlord(Object ret)
w Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
w Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
w Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
w Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
w Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
w Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
w Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
w Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
w Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
w Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
w Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
w Zeta.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[08:59:26.167 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[08:59:31.207 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]CIGGARC Donator Profile 1.06 Profile Starter!
[08:59:33.207 D] Forcing profile reload.
[08:59:33.467 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]CIGGARC Donator Profile 1.06 Profile Starter!
[08:59:33.467 D] Starting bot Order Bot
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [OutOfGame] ce4c0f91-e170-494a-a1f9-0b3f263e2331
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [Death] d9cbda34-22ab-441f-b881-8c4576638ef7
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [RoutineBuffs] 0859f4bc-765f-493b-84fc-b5b5d8dc6885
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 8f0173f5-16d2-4257-933f-71e70a37f078
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [Combat] 63dbc53d-c488-41ac-8017-6d905a60f4c3
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [IdentifyItems] 55cc54b2-6594-4e65-9684-f14d90f9d23a
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [StashItems] 16dd21d4-f1e6-4591-bbbc-5962773816ab
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [SellAndRepair] de7007da-e52f-43f8-b3a5-7e875f91a98b
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [SalvageItems] 7ea732b1-5ead-44f7-b2d2-0e77702fe74e
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [VendorRun] 66ea951f-c8e0-4e53-93e3-d29f8aef8bcc
[08:59:33.467 D] Added new hook [Loot] 69190da9-4247-4b1d-ab54-90bfb30a36fe
[08:59:33.467 D] Replaced hook [BotBehavior] b6d2a1f7-9b72-4037-b050-1df4a54c49d4
[08:59:33.467 N] [GilesTrinity] Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[08:59:33.467 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[08:59:33.467 D] Bot thread started.
[08:59:33.477 N] Waiting 53.1 seconds before next game...
[09:00:26.567 N] Creating new game, Params: <Act:A3 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:101758 QuestStep:29 ResumeFromSave:False IsPrivate:True Handicap:0>
[09:00:30.957 N] GameChanged. Clearing actors