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[StandAlone] Yet Another Relogger!

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Can you add a counter on it? Count rares, legendaries per hour, also deaths per hour, gold.. and average run time. That would be amazing! I have a hard time finding those numbers because when DB crashes, or gets stuck it reboots it so the numbers are off.
I have a problem where it loads up D3 but doesn't type in any of my account info such as the password

[11/15/2012 8:33:18 AM] Yet Another Relogger Version
[11/15/2012 8:33:21 AM] <Diablo Bot> We are scheduled to start
[11/15/2012 8:33:21 AM] <Diablo Bot> Deleting: C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\agent.db
[11/15/2012 8:33:21 AM] <Diablo Bot> Language set: English (US) : enUS
[11/15/2012 8:33:21 AM] <Diablo Bot> Region set: America : us.actual.battle.net
[11/15/2012 8:33:28 AM] <Diablo Bot> Diablo:2436: Found D3 Main Window (7538592)
[11/15/2012 8:33:30 AM] <Diablo Bot> Diablo:2436: Waiting for process to become ready
[11/15/2012 8:33:32 AM] <Diablo Bot> Diablo:2436: Process is ready
[11/15/2012 8:33:32 AM] <Diablo Bot> Demonbuddy start delay, waiting 10 seconds
[11/15/2012 8:33:42 AM] <Diablo Bot> Current profile: "_Start_Core.xml" Runs:0 Time:0 mintues (C:\Users\NAMEi\Desktop\dbbeta\Profiles\semiworkingalkrun\alkrun\_Start_Core.xml)
I have a problem where it loads up D3 but doesn't type in any of my account info such as the password
same problem on VMvare, to the host computer authentication is fine, but sometimes the DB authorization before a authorization in Diablo, and then all the plugins in the DB are not activated
you can try to increase the delay in the settings relogger (try 15+ seconds instead of 10 seconds) then db will log after log in to Diablo and plugins are activated.
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Trying this out but I'm just getting "A communication error occured please restart. If problem persists please contact customer support" when it's trying to start D3. Any tips?
Can you make it detect when the game pops up the error box "Lost network connection?"

Sometimes this happens and YAR doesn't detect it to click OK, so the game just stays like that until I manually click OK. I think Atom's plugin was suppose to handle error logs but it doesn't work correctly.

Anyway to implement it into YAR as a second failsafe?
you can try to increase the delay in the settings relogger (try 15+ seconds instead of 10 seconds) then db will log after log in to Diablo and plugins are activated.
it looks like it does not work ((
Sign in Diablo begins simultaneously with the launch of the DB, and it is necessary to first completed authorization in Diablo, and only then began authorization in DB
I have question. Can YAR check if bot do not receive exp/gold for example 10 minutes then reboot D3? it is super simple and super precise way to determine if something is fkced up :). I wanted to try YAR before (over arelog) but got some error in first versions so waiting a bit.
I have question. Can YAR check if bot do not receive exp/gold for example 10 minutes then reboot D3? it is super simple and super precise way to determine if something is fkced up :). I wanted to try YAR before (over arelog) but got some error in first versions so waiting a bit.

ARelog is way behind YAR, using it since 0.1, never had a bug.
Is the Pause button working on someone of you? I click Pause and nothing happens...

It's only my problem?
So I'm having a bit of problems, I'm using Ciggarc donator profiles that randomizes where to go and on some of the profiles it just stands and stares in town. Any tips what to do? Same thing on both accounts I've tested it on...

Edit: Just to clarify, both of them works great if I just start them manually. Does YAR always choose the "START HERE" profile?
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I have question. Can YAR check if bot do not receive exp/gold for example 10 minutes then reboot D3? it is super simple and super precise way to determine if something is fkced up :). I wanted to try YAR before (over arelog) but got some error in first versions so waiting a bit.
The GPH check will be added in a later release (thomasd already made some modification to the source so I can almost copy paste this work) :)

Is the Pause button working on someone of you? I click Pause and nothing happens...
It's only my problem?
The pause button is to pause the AntiIdle system to prevent it from taking actions while you manually paused any of your bots
The GPH check will be added in a later release (thomasd already made some modification to the source so I can almost copy paste this work) :)

THIS!!! Would be really awesome! Came home 15 minutes ago and saw that last game completed was 2 hours ago and noticed my bot was stuck somewhere and just run up and down, and had done it for like 2 hours.. So now I've set every game to be MAX 45 minutes and then leave(just sux if games sometimes are more than 45 min :/ ), but I think the GPH checker would be really great in a situation like this! :-)
I believe that you have to tell YAR which profile to choose ? :)
bot -> edit -> next next next and you will see on the last page I think it is :)

Just realised it was just me being 100% stupid. Donate coming your way dev!
thank you... and 1 more thing i have 3 profiles in my profiles folder... i set it in profile scheduler.... runs 3 = 1st profile, run 1 = 2nd profile, run 1 = 3rd profile...

my question is... can i make that random? i mean ex. 1st 3rd 2nd 1st 1st... 3rd 1st 2nd 1st 1st... and so on...
I have a problem where YAR stops the bot:

[18:45:14.038 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Restarting bot
[18:45:14.038 N] Stopping the bot.
[18:45:14.058 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[18:45:15.560 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting BigRed - Battlefields
[18:45:15.570 N] [GilesTrinity] Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[18:46:15.898 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Restarting bot
[18:46:15.898 N] Stopping the bot.
[18:46:15.982 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[18:46:17.358 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting BigRed - Battlefields
[18:46:17.368 N] [GilesTrinity] Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.

causing an endless loop where the bot just stands still...I also watched it closely, the bot was never stuck when it attempted to restart DB, so I guess there is some premature stoppage of DB going on...or possibly I am doing something wrong.
Just starting to use this combined with crashchecker, havent used a relogger since the sarkoth days... i really liked the interface!
i have a problem

everything with the relogger goes smoothly from starting the game to starting db, but it fails on logging into the game. it puts in the info (and i know its right) and then the login button is gray and it just sits there forever.

what do i do?

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