1. This is a future plan for final release to make the AntiIdle system more intelligent instead of just restarting everything
2. This is will be covered by the final AntiIdle system
When using GilesTrinity it will detect when Stash is full .. I did not test / think about when not using GilesTrinity cause I basically always use GilesTrinity .. but I should take a look into this and make it stop ofc
for the security acceptance that is asked each time you run Demonbuddy is caused by UAC 1 way to avoid this is to run the relogger with admin rights this should avoid the security popup
did you try force enable all plugins ? or check if the YAR comms plugin is enabled ?
[11/12/2012 8:04:13 PM] Relogger Thread Starting!
[11/12/2012 8:04:13 PM] Yet Another Relogger Version
[11/12/2012 8:04:18 PM] <Baba> We are scheduled to start
[11/12/2012 8:04:18 PM] <Baba> Language set: English (US) : enUS
[11/12/2012 8:04:18 PM] <Baba> Region set: America : us.actual.battle.net
[11/12/2012 8:04:26 PM] <Baba> Diablo:4796: Found D3 Main Window (1181210)
[11/12/2012 8:04:28 PM] <Baba> Diablo:4796: Waiting for process to become ready
[11/12/2012 8:04:30 PM] <Baba> Diablo:4796: Process is ready
[11/12/2012 8:04:30 PM] <Baba> Current profile: "BigRed_START_HERE.xml" Runs:0 Time:0 mintues (C:\Users\Ham\Desktop\DEM 284\Profiles\Modified a3\BigRed_START_HERE.xml)
[11/12/2012 8:04:30 PM] <Baba> Checking plugin: C:\Users\Ham\Desktop\DEM 284\Plugins\YAR\Plugin.cs
[11/12/2012 8:04:30 PM] <Baba> Plugin is installed and latest version
[11/12/2012 8:04:30 PM] <Baba> Demonbuddy:4300: Waiting for process to become ready
[11/12/2012 8:04:31 PM] <Baba> Found Demonbuddy: MainWindow (3015860)
[11/12/2012 8:04:31 PM] <Baba> Demonbuddy:4300: Process is ready
[11/12/2012 8:06:44 PM] <Baba> We did not recieve any stats during 120 seconds!
[11/12/2012 8:06:44 PM] <Baba> Restarting...
[11/12/2012 8:06:44 PM] <Baba> Diablo:4796: Kill process
[11/12/2012 8:06:44 PM] <Baba> Demonbuddy:Baba: Waiting to close
[11/12/2012 8:06:46 PM] <Baba> Demonbuddy:Baba: Closed.
[11/12/2012 8:06:47 PM] <Baba> Diablo:4796: Process is not running
[11/12/2012 8:06:47 PM] <Baba> Language set: English (US) : enUS
[11/12/2012 8:06:47 PM] <Baba> Region set: America : us.actual.battle.net
[11/12/2012 8:06:48 PM] <Baba> Stopping
[11/12/2012 8:06:48 PM] <Baba> Diablo:472: Kill process
did you try force enable all plugins ? or check if the YAR comms plugin is enabled ?
I will change it so the slot is not required for innerspace to workwhen it try to start Innerspace dont work, i think because u cant use -launchslot "name" slot
run isboxer -launch "name" work but not puting slot but if i dont put slot, YAR dont work![]()
what can i do?![]()
When you Edit/ Add a bot you can tick the Force enable all plugins on step 1 when you have to configure demonbuddyHow to force enable all plugins ?
Check if the "YAR Comms" plugin is installed correctly and enabledhello, first of all this relogger looks brilliant! thank u for this=)
i am encountering a problem, everything loads just fine and bot goes killing things but after 120 secs it will say "did not receive stats" and it would restart db and d3. any fix for this?
i cleary see a normal value gold and exp stat on DB but its acting as if there is none.
running latest demon buddy 284
The relogger will start D3 and DB for you and will monitor them if something goes wrong and tries to fix themFIlled out everything as good as i can. Please verify this is all i have to fill out. Name - I put character name, description - I put BOT, demonbuddy location - i put my demonbuddy exe loc, combat routine - i put my combat routine. Launcher options and buddyatuth.com and position i did not fill out do i have to? Battlenet info, i put my username password and D3 exe loc. language and region selected. is Boxer i did not touch, do i have to? I have no bnet authenticator, did not fill out position. Week schedule - i put fill week (how should i use this portion)? Profile settings - i select loc of the profile i want to run, runs and minutes i put 10000000. Radomization minutes and count i didnt click anything. Did i not fill sometihng out i should have? Also do i open D3 before i turn on the relogger or do i start d3 via the relogger? thanks for the help
What windows and language are you on?why is my Week schedule all messed up? i'm using Yet Another Relogger Version
Is there nothing in DB logs telling you that the bot thread was suddenly ended or anything else that gives any clue why DB is not pulsing?This also happened to me.
I got a disconnect when identifying items, when db came back YAR went crazy thinking DB is not pulsing. But it was fine attacking mobs, moving, etc.
After disconnect error:
1) DB starts to move, teleport do an area (in my case festering woods)
2) 30 seconds later YAR force bot to restart thinking DB is not pulsing/working
3) Bot goes back to town cause of the start/stop
4) number 1 start again, making 1-3 loop for hours.
The errors you get are nothing to worry about if you are not running the relogger but I will fix this to stop trying to contact after a few mins of failurePretty nice program, I used it for a little while today. Couple things:
If I run DB without YAR running, I get constant errors from the YAR plugin about not being able to communicate with the relogger. From what I can tell it even happens when the plugin is disabled.
YAR still auto-positions D3 even though I have auto-position disabled
The auto position window size is locked to 400x400 max. Why is this? Let me set whatever I want.
A lot of the settings are kind of ambiguous and I don't really know what they would do. Here are the ones that confuse me:
Under "General": Show Notification, Always Show Icon
Under "Auto position": Force on all windows, Demonbuddy window position (this is never enabled, is this a coming-soon feature?), Force working area, and the multiple screen select
In the bot settings, page 3: Randomization. What do these values actually change?
Bot settings page 4: Randomization. Same as above. Also, can I set Runs and Minutes to 0 to run indefinitely?
The errors you get are nothing to worry about if you are not running the relogger but I will fix this to stop trying to contact after a few mins of failure
The locked to 400x400 is fixed in upcoming release
Always show icon is for tray icon to always appear in system tray
Show Notification is for tray icon to show you that the program is still running and I will be adding some notification on important events with any of your bots
3. Randomization is for the weekschedule and will add a minimum of x and maximum of x minutes when scheduled to start or stop example: when the bot is scheduled to start at 0700 and the random numbers are min 10 max 30 it will start somewhere between 0710 and 0730
4. does almost the same only this will add to the profile schedule and 0 for the randomization means disabled but for the profile it can have either play x minutes or play x runs set to a fixed number and it will run the profile till this is reached when both are 0 it will loop this profile
Is there nothing in DB logs telling you that the bot thread was suddenly ended or anything else that gives any clue why DB is not pulsing?
[03:42:27.279 N] [GilesTrinity] No more space to pickup a 2-slot item, now running town-run routine.
[03:42:27.279 N] Using town portal
[size=4][b][03:44:21.679 N] Closing error dialog[/b][/size]
[03:44:21.719 D] System.NullReferenceException: Refer?ncia de objeto n?o definida para uma inst?ncia de um objeto.
em Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaActivePlayer.InventoryManager.GetFreeStashSlots(Int32[] ignoreStashPages)
em Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
em Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
em Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()
[03:44:21.719 D] System.NullReferenceException: Refer?ncia de objeto n?o definida para uma inst?ncia de um objeto.
em Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaActivePlayer.get_LoopingAnimationEndTime()
em Zeta.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.(Object )
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.DecoratorContinue..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Sequence..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
em Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
em Zeta.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[03:44:24.019 N] Waiting 6.1 seconds before next game...
[13/11/2012 01:03:57] <Bribo> Checking plugin: C:\xxxxxx\Demonbuddy\Plugins\YAR\Plugin.cs
[13/11/2012 01:03:57] <Bribo> Plugin is installed and latest version
[13/11/2012 01:03:57] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: Waiting for process to become ready
[13/11/2012 01:03:57] <Bribo> Found Demonbuddy: MainWindow (141099686)
[13/11/2012 01:03:57] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: Process is ready
[13/11/2012 01:05:28] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:05:59] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:06:32] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:07:04] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:07:36] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:08:07] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:08:40] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:09:12] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:09:44] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:10:15] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:10:48] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:11:20] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:11:51] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:12:23] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:12:56] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:13:27] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:13:59] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:14:31] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:15:02] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:15:33] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:16:04] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:16:36] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:17:07] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:17:39] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:18:11] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:18:43] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:19:15] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:19:47] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:20:18] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:20:49] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:21:20] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:21:52] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:22:23] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:22:54] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:23:26] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:23:57] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:24:29] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:25:01] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:25:33] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:26:05] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:26:37] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:27:09] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:27:41] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:28:13] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:28:44] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:29:16] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:29:48] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:30:19] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:30:52] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:31:23] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:31:54] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:32:26] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:32:58] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:33:29] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:34:01] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:34:33] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:35:04] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:35:36] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:36:07] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:36:39] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:37:10] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:37:41] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:38:13] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 01:38:44] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[after 2 hours looping]
[13/11/2012 03:26:25] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 03:26:56] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 03:27:28] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 03:27:59] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 03:28:30] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 03:29:02] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: is not pulsing while it should to (30 seconds)
[13/11/2012 03:29:09] <Bribo> Demonbuddy stopped by user
[13/11/2012 03:29:28] <Bribo> Demonbuddy:5608: Process is not running
What windows and language are you on?
<Continue profile="FieldsOfSlaughterC.xml, FieldsOfSlaughterB.xml, FieldsOfSlaughterA.xml"/>
View attachment 67309
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...e-arreat-fields-slaughter-randomized-b-c.htmlCode:<Continue profile="FieldsOfSlaughterC.xml, FieldsOfSlaughterB.xml, FieldsOfSlaughterA.xml"/>
Using latest YAR and latest DB of course.
Windows 8.
The plugin tab is also empty, and I checked "force enable all plugins" in the settings.
is there anything about plugins that failed to compile? .. This actually more looks like a DB issue or plugins that wont compile
This is a DB issue! I just checked it and somehow when there is a Continue XML Tag Inside a IF statement Demonbuddy fails to load it when used with -autostart (a option that will start demonbuddy from the moment it is run and this is needed by reloggers)Everything is working perfectly when I'm not using the relogger.
Ok I will add a pause button on the relogger so it is possible to pause the monitoring processCan you make a feature to "PAUSE" monitoring?
Heres the issue I'm having,
Sometimes when I'm teamviewing my bots from another computer, it lows the FPS of the clients. When the FPS is lowered, D3 becomes laggy or sometimes unresponsive. The relogger detects unresponsiveness for 120 seconds and then reopens everything.
If I am allowed to click PAUSE so I can do that and then UNPAUSE it to resume monitoring, that would be cool.