This thread should be directed at me since it is pretty obvious the OP is upset about not being able to make changes to my code. So let me set some records straight here.
My CC's are my own. I chose what I want in them, how I want them compiled, and that is my choice and no one elses. Everyone in this community is free to code their own CC's. This is an open source type platform.
The reason I use dll's is for the config menu. Wired, you have not been a member long enoph to know how difficult things were to setup in the pre 3.0 convalesce days. It took a long time, it required code edits, it was a pain. The dll system allows for an on the fly, click to go type setup that people prefer over code edits. I also have more power to make dynamic changes that I see fit on the fly while im coding. Again, this not only helps me, but helps the community.
If you had been a member longer, you would have seen that I lost all my botting accounts about a month ago and had nothing to code with. I was out of gold, out of money, and it was a bad time. I was running a bunch of trial accounts and couldnt do much to code for convalesce, let alone cimmerian. Also it is clearly stated in the Convalesce forum that I am working on 2 CCs. Right now my attention is more on cimmerian. At the same time I am coding and testing for Honor Buddy 2 so that when it is released, both of my CCs will work.
I also have a wife and 3 kids. I have my own family, my own 50 hour per week job, my own interests besides this. I can not plant myself in front of the computer waiting for suggestions and I can not jump on every new one that comes up. I have my own process and plan of which direction I am taking the CC's and I try to fill in requests as I go along.
Personally I am a bit offended that this thread was started. It was directed at me in not such an obvious way. IF there are problems with my CC I try to act on them as quick as I can but I think the majority of the people that use Convalesce and Cimmerian will aggree they get the job done and done well. No matter how much time I spend on them both there will always be someone wanting more. That is fine, but a new thread on the subject wont help any, but will actually do just the opposite.