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Source Code Requirements.

imho, if U don't like the dll's, by all means use the standard CC's that come along with HB and edit those to your liking or in such a way they do what you want em to do.
What's that?
Ah, you can't edit CC's because you don't know how or don't feel like or don't want to or .......?
Well, what a shame, now isn't it.

Either use the dll, and whatever is not to your liking, post in the appropriate thread and hope for a good day of the dev so he changes it (Maybe).
Otherwise use the standard CC, learn C#, make a CC yourself and sock it.

Just my 2 cents.
imho, if U don't like the dll's, by all means use the standard CC's that come along with HB and edit those to your liking or in such a way they do what you want em to do.
What's that?
Ah, you can't edit CC's because you don't know how or don't feel like or don't want to or .......?
Well, what a shame, now isn't it.

Either use the dll, and whatever is not to your liking, post in the appropriate thread and hope for a good day of the dev so he changes it (Maybe).
Otherwise use the standard CC, learn C#, make a CC yourself and sock it.

Just my 2 cents.

Actually if you knew anything about me at all people in vent and chat will tell you I've been working on my own versions of a few CCs. I know a little C#. But since you wanna take it to a flame and tell me to sock it.... Just shows off your intelligence level. Apparently its not ok to put a suggestion forth and discuss it. If that were true a moderator would've closed topic and said this isn't to be discussed. But once again your intelligence level shines through all.

Gotta love when people go on personal attacks against someone they have no clue who they are. Little big men behind keyboards are annoying :/
imho, if U don't like the dll's, by all means use the standard CC's that come along with HB and edit those to your liking or in such a way they do what you want em to do.
What's that?
Ah, you can't edit CC's because you don't know how or don't feel like or don't want to or .......?
Well, what a shame, now isn't it.

Either use the dll, and whatever is not to your liking, post in the appropriate thread and hope for a good day of the dev so he changes it (Maybe).
Otherwise use the standard CC, learn C#, make a CC yourself and sock it.

Just my 2 cents.

Actually if you knew anything about me at all people in vent and chat will tell you I've been working on my own versions of a few CCs. I know a little C#. But since you wanna take it to a flame and tell me to sock it.... Just shows off your intelligence level. Apparently its not ok to put a suggestion forth and discuss it. If that were true a moderator would've closed topic and said this isn't to be discussed. But once again your intelligence level shines through all.

Gotta love when people go on personal attacks against someone they have no clue who they are. Little big men behind keyboards are annoying :/

No need for flaming guys, keep it civil or this thread will end up closed.
This thread should be directed at me since it is pretty obvious the OP is upset about not being able to make changes to my code. So let me set some records straight here.

My CC's are my own. I chose what I want in them, how I want them compiled, and that is my choice and no one elses. Everyone in this community is free to code their own CC's. This is an open source type platform.

The reason I use dll's is for the config menu. Wired, you have not been a member long enoph to know how difficult things were to setup in the pre 3.0 convalesce days. It took a long time, it required code edits, it was a pain. The dll system allows for an on the fly, click to go type setup that people prefer over code edits. I also have more power to make dynamic changes that I see fit on the fly while im coding. Again, this not only helps me, but helps the community.

If you had been a member longer, you would have seen that I lost all my botting accounts about a month ago and had nothing to code with. I was out of gold, out of money, and it was a bad time. I was running a bunch of trial accounts and couldnt do much to code for convalesce, let alone cimmerian. Also it is clearly stated in the Convalesce forum that I am working on 2 CCs. Right now my attention is more on cimmerian. At the same time I am coding and testing for Honor Buddy 2 so that when it is released, both of my CCs will work.

I also have a wife and 3 kids. I have my own family, my own 50 hour per week job, my own interests besides this. I can not plant myself in front of the computer waiting for suggestions and I can not jump on every new one that comes up. I have my own process and plan of which direction I am taking the CC's and I try to fill in requests as I go along.

Personally I am a bit offended that this thread was started. It was directed at me in not such an obvious way. IF there are problems with my CC I try to act on them as quick as I can but I think the majority of the people that use Convalesce and Cimmerian will aggree they get the job done and done well. No matter how much time I spend on them both there will always be someone wanting more. That is fine, but a new thread on the subject wont help any, but will actually do just the opposite.
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I understand what wierd is saying, But people do need to bear in mind, that it is the CC authors choice, but yet if they are new to the site the must expect people to request the forum if posting your work as a .dll, there are ways even locked down .dlls can be ripped apart and checked but if you need to go thou that trouble then its best just not to use it. If the author chooses to release the source (Like nET should do for his old DK CC) This will benifit if the author gets bored or changes his current project, but am sure if you asked most of them, they'd be happy to give you the source on the terms you aint going to rip it off.
This thread should be directed at me since it is pretty obvious the OP is upset about not being able to make changes to my code. So let me set some records straight here.

My CC's are my own. I chose what I want in them, how I want them compiled, and that is my choice and no one elses. Everyone in this community is free to code their own CC's. This is an open source type platform.

The reason I use dll's is for the config menu. Wired, you have not been a member long enoph to know how difficult things were to setup in the pre 3.0 convalesce days. It took a long time, it required code edits, it was a pain. The dll system allows for an on the fly, click to go type setup that people prefer over code edits. I also have more power to make dynamic changes that I see fit on the fly while im coding. Again, this not only helps me, but helps the community.

If you had been a member longer, you would have seen that I lost all my botting accounts about a month ago and had nothing to code with. I was out of gold, out of money, and it was a bad time. I was running a bunch of trial accounts and couldnt do much to code for convalesce, let alone cimmerian. Also it is clearly stated in the Convalesce forum that I am working on 2 CCs. Right now my attention is more on cimmerian. At the same time I am coding and testing for Honor Buddy 2 so that when it is released, both of my CCs will work.

I also have a wife and 3 kids. I have my own family, my own 50 hour per week job, my own interests besides this. I can not plant myself in front of the computer waiting for suggestions and I can not jump on every new one that comes up. I have my own process and plan of which direction I am taking the CC's and I try to fill in requests as I go along.

Personally I am a bit offended that this thread was started. It was directed at me in not such an obvious way. IF there are problems with my CC I try to act on them as quick as I can but I think the majority of the people that use Convalesce and Cimmerian will aggree they get the job done and done well. No matter how much time I spend on them both there will always be someone wanting more. That is fine, but a new thread on the subject wont help any, but will actually do just the opposite.

Actually mordd. I've requested the source code publically to the one I was really talking about. If you don't believe me goto my profile and find all posts by wired420. So before you get all mad at me for something I didn't even do go take a look.

Someone else brought up your specific CC. Not me. As I am not a mod or a dev or nothing of the sort I can't edit their post out if they want to turn it to a thread against you.

Sure I'd like to be able to easily edit my paladin, dk, priest (One you didn't make), but especially CowStats. I could use this for so much more than its currently being used for, and if I were to rip the code from a dll I wouldn't feel right about giving it to someone else or even posting it publically as thats just not how I am. I am also a little lazy and don't see the need for starting completely over....

Once 2.0 comes out and I don't have to worry about rewriting the whole CC I'm going to do one kinda like fpsware's. But until then theres no reason for me to start from scratch if I don't know how the new ones going to have to work.
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I understand what wierd is saying, But people do need to bear in mind, that it is the CC authors choice, but yet if they are new to the site the must expect people to request the forum if posting your work as a .dll, there are ways even locked down .dlls can be ripped apart and checked but if you need to go thou that trouble then its best just not to use it. If the author chooses to release the source (Like nET should do for his old DK CC) This will benifit if the author gets bored or changes his current project, but am sure if you asked most of them, they'd be happy to give you the source on the terms you aint going to rip it off.

I have never said no to anyone that wanted my source code. But no one ever asks. I have given my source to many people to tweak things as they see fit. I do not own the code. If someone wants to rip the code then that is their choice, I can not stop them.

Most on these forums do not know c# and Hawker takes a great stand about being too technical. HB is supposed to be a click and go type bot to make it easier to use.
Actually mordd. I've requested the source code publically to the one I was really talking about. If you don't believe me goto my profile and find all posts by wired420. So before you get all mad at me for something I didn't even do go take a look.

Someone else brought up your specific CC. Not me.

I am not mad at anyone, just a little offended. But HB is getting more an more popular by the day. If I got mad back in the glider days when someone complained about Pogue I would have crawled in a hole at the first beta release.
I'm with Mord on this. My alpha release of The One CC contains a DLL and 1 source file. The DLL contains hundreds of hours work and I would rather not have it released in a source file for everyone and their dog to modify and then claim as their own.

As for security and not being able to trust the code "inside" the DLL, I have offered the Developers the source code and if they see anything wrong with it I'm sure they would restrict its release.
well end of story here and now....

Mord gave his "explanation" and thats enough for me

if a user needs something from a CC dev its better to bring his request in public,we already have a proper section for requests
pm's aren't the best way for a request
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Ah a brilliant start into a free day ....

Now look at me :)

The fact that we where provided with some awesome Plug-Ins, which no one else could do, or did not think about them, is enough to give the autor of that Plug-In the right to hide it.

So if someone had an brilliant idea, and created an tool, which can not be created by anyone, he has the right to protect his code.
And we will allow him to protect his code, as soon as we are sure that there is no bad code in it.

As we do not steal the code or make it public, the code stays secret, and gives the creator the possibility to make it commercial.

Where the Paid Plug-Ins come in, which base will be live soon.

At the end people decide themselves if something is worth to use or not to use, and for free or not for free.
I am not mad at anyone, just a little offended. But HB is getting more an more popular by the day. If I got mad back in the glider days when someone complained about Pogue I would have crawled in a hole at the first beta release.
Poque <3 and I did not mean to throw you into the lime light I was just giving and example my post was in no way meant to be directed at you, I'm sorry for all the confusion and or flames that have occurred from my post. My apologies!

Rawr rageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeturrets
boss is right. If you don't like it make it yourself and release. You don't seem to understand that people are doing this on there time. No pay or donations. The last thing I want to see is someone ripping my work and posting as thier own. As the creators we are given the right to hide what ever the hell we want. Stop bitch'en.
WOW really V
Rawr rageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeturrets
I totally agree with Mordd and fpsware. The CC's are their work, their time went into it, and therefore its their intellectual property. Granted there are no disclaimers or licensing terms for their use, but these developers do not want their code open to scruitiny to the non-developer community, its their call. They can dictate the terms that you use their CC freely. If you don't trust it, dont use it and write your own, they should not have to spoon feed you just so you can chop and change things to suit your self.
yes mord is an awsome cc coder i know him from glider forums to when he made pogue it was a good cc