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So what are people farming now?


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
Call me uncreative but after the huge drop in frost lotus prices Im out of ideas. I had a perm buyer for frost lotus that made me a lot of gold but now they're going for 25g each and are utterly worthless. I'll probably go back to mining but without having jewelcrafting it isnt worth much. What are you farming?
the same as usual...mines and herbs
prices are down but thats life
I just hope that no one comes here and spills their secrets and ruin botting even more. Hey call me selfish, but me making money is more important to me than some random dude that i dont know making money.
I just hope that no one comes here and spills their secrets and ruin botting even more. Hey call me selfish, but me making money is more important to me than some random dude that i dont know making money.

We should totally mute this guy. Any belligerent behavior towards the botting community can't be tolerated.

I am just collecting as much gold as I can and wait for Cataclysm to come. I am only selling gold for gcards and cd keys at the moment. But I was offered $1.5/1000g yesterday...
1 farmer picking tbc herbs and ore
1 farmer mining cobalt in BT
1 skin/LW selling arctic fur, heavy borean leather and purple crafted leather items
I sell stones. Stones are hard like a rock and everlasting like stones are. You can carry stones, wash your cloths with it, throw it at someones head or maybe eat it. Stone will be sold much more than herbs and ores!

Just kidding =)

Well I think herbs and ores are good.
I just hope that no one comes here and spills their secrets and ruin botting even more. Hey call me selfish, but me making money is more important to me than some random dude that i dont know making money.
Yeah, I find this quite annoying too. It's not like every botter in the world reads this. People need to loosen up. If the guy asks for help, you either A. Give him helpful advice, or B. Don't post anything at all. Don't post saying you have your own ways and you won't share them. What's the point? To the OP, I agree with the poster above me. Switching to cobalt ore has increased my gold per hour immensely. It depends on your server however. I also run a bot in Zul'Drak Spiders. The Iceweb Spider Silk sells for 120g/stack on my server, and every mob it kills in this area is skinnable so... that means tons of borean leather which I turn into Arctic fur and random Artic Fur drops. Check you server's economy aswell for this. My leather market is weird in the sense you can buy 60 borean leather (which you can turn into an Arctic Fur) for 40g but Arctic Fur itself goes for 50g-60g depending on market fluctuation. Anyhow, good luck mate!
I sell stones. Stones are hard like a rock and everlasting like stones are. You can carry stones, wash your cloths with it, throw it at someones head or maybe eat it. Stone will be sold much more than herbs and ores!

kidney stones?
We should totally mute this guy. Any belligerent behavior towards the botting community can't be tolerated.
I actually kinda agree with him. Wanna be rich? Think yourself. Buddy is just giving you the tool to earn money
download the nagrand mine-profile and there it goes! mass adamantite and crazy prices for that ;)
FL down to 20g from 40g 3 weeks ago, Cobalt ore is at 29g a stack now, so I am concentrating on this now, see how that goes. Herbs and other ore are down on what they have been the last few weeks, prices may stabilize, dunno ?
25g/1 frost lotus?

Damn... my realm's BEEN at ~80g/5 frost lotus forever. Prices haven't gone up or down since I started looking at frost lotus (even before I started using GB).
frost lotus's went down to 15g/ea :( but good news.... lichbloom is 80g a stack! :D lol
Whatever I sell... it ain't raw materials:

I have:
1x JC
2x Mining
2x. Herbing
1x Skinning
1x LW
1x Tailoring
1x Alchemy..

I usually rotate in mats and stuff so I won't offer too much off the same material at the same time