Similar problem
I did not want to start new thread cuz problem is similar to this one, although a little more wierd.
So GB and HB will run fine on their own(not together) no problems and all night long. I can be botting on one instance of WOW and doing raid on another(same comp) no problems. But if I stop raiding on my main and decide to put him to work gathering a few minerals and have HB and GB running at the same time(diff accounts), about 5 miniutes later my gpu will cut out with both monitors black. It looked like sleep at first but then i realized i can still hear shit and not to mention I have every sleep function disabled on comp. Also inconsistently the gpu fan speed will max and sound like a plane landing after the black screens. Now let me say this before you scream hardware failure, with this setup I have run the newest games on the market on at least high settings and NEVER had gpu issue, this install of Windows 7 is a day old(reinstalled just to try and solve problem), and I cant stress enough that this happens ONLY when trying to run HB and GB at same time......its not too big a deal but really sucks when trying to make some gold and reach level 77 by morning lol.
I dont have log at the moment so dont kill me ill post one later today.
Thanks for the great products and if this has been covered in another thread and im just a tard, boss or hawker can personally come to my house and step on my sack.