Sometimes my toon just kills the mob and never loots it, goes by it to kill another... is that right?...
this^did you check the general settings under Setting & Tools? because if you dont have the little box check that says "loot mobs" and "Skin mobs" then it wont do either of those.
Got a problem, there is 1 spot with a gloomwing that my character cant reach, always getting killed by that mob. The mob is up in the air and my druid (in catform) cant reach it. If I supervise the bot when this happends, is enough to just move the character some yards and it can reach the mob. This got me killed 16 times tonight.
What can I do about it? Can I blacklist that mob in anyway? Or make the bot move a bit when it understands that it cant reach it?
Sorry for my bad english,
Regards trozen
i dowloaded the alliance version, started the profile in grind mode, it runs off kills the mobs, loots them, then runs off to kill another, does not skin them. im new to honorbuddy, is there a tick box i need to select to make it skin?