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- Aug 31, 2014
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This keeps attacking breezerider colts that cant be skinned, also windrocs that dont drop fur but they can be skinned at least, but it should only kill the big talbuk, the wolves and the clefthoof, those drop both. Also around the spirit woods/oshu'gun area ie goes around pulling humanoids. Can u make a version that only kills things that drop fur and can be skinned, without the other stuff ? So that users can select if they want all mobs, or just the ones that drop both fur and can be skinned. Thanks in advance =)
Also there's another issue, since I can't edit this, my meatgut automation turns bones once every 15 tries or so the rest fail, I had a script before that that would turn in and I had to set the delay to around 2000 or so, I don't know why, my ms is around 150 but it just happens that way for a few patches now so perhaps introduce a slider so people can adjust the turn-in delay, a lot of people are having trouble with meatgut not delivering fast enough btw in all sorts of profiles.
edit3: another issue is that apparently it keeps on engaging mobs that are already tagged by other people.. that it obviously can't loot and it wastes a lot of time on it.
Meatgut has shown issues since 6.1 with HB and timing. I can only increase the timing of the profile - but don't want it to take too long. Can't add a slider or anything of the sort to a profile.
I haven't had any similar results of attacking mobs already being attacked. And as far as the talbuks - all talbuks have a chance to drop fur and meat (i believe), which is why it kills them all. With an iLvl above 630 (Which most's should be by now), this should still pull major stats.