When using Honorbuddy, I will enter scenes that appear to cause WoW to hitch significantly and observe a framerate of about 3 fps while in these scenes. The two that I have observed this happening to are new instances as part of the Legion pre-launch event. Specifically Broken Shores (the instance to follow Gul'Dan as either Horde or Alliance), as well as the repaired Ulduar as part of Khadgar's pre-launch quest that starts from Dalaran.
FPS is perfect everywhere else, to the best of my knowledge. These two scenes alone have caused significant frame loss. I followed the advice that was provided on the thread linked below (to clear my mesh folder), which did not solve this issue. It might be tied to framelocking, as disabling framelocking gets rid of the frameless issue, but also makes the routine run less than stellar.
Log file attached. Scene specific to the log would be the solo quest instance of Ulduar reached from Dalaran.
Thank you in advance for looking into this issue.
When using Honorbuddy, I will enter scenes that appear to cause WoW to hitch significantly and observe a framerate of about 3 fps while in these scenes. The two that I have observed this happening to are new instances as part of the Legion pre-launch event. Specifically Broken Shores (the instance to follow Gul'Dan as either Horde or Alliance), as well as the repaired Ulduar as part of Khadgar's pre-launch quest that starts from Dalaran.
FPS is perfect everywhere else, to the best of my knowledge. These two scenes alone have caused significant frame loss. I followed the advice that was provided on the thread linked below (to clear my mesh folder), which did not solve this issue. It might be tied to framelocking, as disabling framelocking gets rid of the frameless issue, but also makes the routine run less than stellar.
Log file attached. Scene specific to the log would be the solo quest instance of Ulduar reached from Dalaran.
Thank you in advance for looking into this issue.