The Bot telling me to finish opening quests !! I felt offended
Can you make it do the initial stuff and handle all the job?
Hi! One type of your ships was not recognized, i will push fix in next release, thanks for reporting this issue!Build not the ships i have configured
Log: 2015-11-26 23.21.txt
[*]Fix: Recognize for Ally Carrier ships
Hi! Yea, you need to have Shipyard to actually manage itAion have such pack -> unlock shipyard i believe.
I didn't planned to do it as it involve much questing, not sure i will add it in future
wrong description, corrected, tyI have no Ally character, the log is from Horde toon...
you need to open GUI and check which functionality you want to use (start/complete missions, build ships etc)Is there a recommended setting config to use because I have only ever got "Shipyard work done" It has never done anything for me and the check boxes are greyed out.
No proper report, no help[Alisha Engine 26.796]: Waiting for retriving information about Item ID: 0
im stuck every time no mission start
Noob question, but I have GarrisonBoss and GarrisonBoss Module Edition, I just need to keep checked "Automate @Shipyard Master" ? Or I need to change the botbase to GarrisonBoss@Shipyard ?
Thx !
in GarrisonBoss GUI -> WorkOrders tab. Tho make Sure you enabled Missions Start etc on ShipyardMaster GUI before that (chose it as BotBase and open it's GUI once per toon).where is this "Automate @Shipyard Master" check box located?