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Freeze: Now grants Umbral Ice 3 and adds 1 Umbral Heart
LvL 72: [Action] Despair -> It's our new spell to dump all Mana, should always be used in ST-Rotation before switching from AF to UI. Sidenote: It refreshes the AstralFire uptime back to 15s and needs at least 800 MP to cast
LvL 72: [Trait] Aspect Mastery -> Switching between Astral Fire & Umbral Ice (when at 3 Stacks) costs 0 MP
@theonn I am using WHM with Shinra2 and everything was working perfect till today. Something is up with Healing where it is constantly interrupting healing spells with Interrupt Overheal turned on. Additionally it will not cast spells against enemies while I was fighting using combat assist in duties.
I use this combat routines on samurai
But he will try to get into the monster's body
When he does this
He won't attack and the picture will shake wildly
Sorry, my English is very bad
I hope you understand what I mean.