Bobby, thanks for the very elaborate reply. It somewhat proves me right in a way that ShamWoW, or Resto Shamans in general, burn mana like mad when they're low geared. I did not notice this earlier when my Druid and Priest started healing; they were actually quite ok mana wise. The main reason I started healing with my Enhancement Shaman is the queue timers for dungeons. As DPS they take anywhere from 8-20 minutes, as healer usually only 3 or even instantly. I tried both with and without Lazyraider-Framelock btw, there is no noticeable difference in performance. Both work fine.
I'll have a look at my spec and will try to gather gear ASAP, because at higher ilvls the Resto Shaman is the only one in LFR who does not ever have mana problems and ends full mana every fight...
Also I did interpret the Chain Heal option differently as to what you are saying (I assumed making me more mana efficient with earlier Chain Heals).
Thanks for your quick reply and suggestions, will try them out ASAP!
/edit: Bobby, I'm Riptide specced but this is not configured in Party healing. (I did that later on). I do not have Telluric Currents specced... could this make a lot of difference? Haven't tried this yet.
Soeski, If you set Riptide % to a non-zero value, it is cast as a direct heal in the same fashion as other spells. The defaults intentionally leave it set to zero so ShamWOW can reserve Riptide casts for use in buffing Tidal Waves (if that option is set), rolling it for mana regen if you have the T12 2pc bonus, or to buff the initial target of a Chain Heal. My recommendation is for users to stick with default values until fully understanding not just Restoration Shaman mechanics but also how ShamWOW supports them based upon the gear, talent spec, glyphs, and configuration that is active.
There was one change I had been planning to make for some time and just finished for the next release. The default % for Healing Surge will be calculated dynamically. Previously it was set as an average value that tried to strike a compromise between what was needed while leveling a character and what was needed after reaching higher levels. As with most compromises it ended up not being entirely satisfactory for either end of the spectrum. The determining factor for what health % to cast Healing Surge is whether Greater Healing Wave is available or not. If you don't have Greater Healing Wave trained yet, it will increase the Healing Surge default to 60%, which is needed at lower levels so you cast the only big heal you have sooner. After training Greater Healing Wave, it will set Healing Surge % to the Oh Shoot Heal % + 1. It will track whether this has been done for your character yet and only perform this step one time. The default values assigned when using the button in Class Config will also be dynamically determined based upon the presence / absence of GHW. The result should be improved survival while leveling and improved mana efficiency after GHW is learned. Other than this adjustment of the default Healing Surge number, I don't see much room for improvement for new 85's at the moment as it pertains to the Default Party healing %'s. So prior to the new version becoming available, for characters that have Greater Healing Wave trained you may want to set Party Healing Surge % to 31 (assuming Party Oh Shoot % is at 30.)
As with all things, your spec can make a tremendous difference in your results. The Telluric Currents talent was originally intended by Blizz to be mana neutral, but it can be an effective way to generate mana. It's effectiveness as a source of mana regen increases as your stats increase due to buffs / gear.
The key thing to remember regarding TC is that the mana returned is based upon the damage done by the Lightning Bolt cast. If it misses, you get 0 mana back. If it hits, you get 40% of the damage. At higher Intellect levels achieved through high gear levels and raid buffs, your Lightning Bolt damage will increase to a point where you achieve a good return without having to use a Telluric Current specific build ( such as
WoW Talent Calculator - Sigrie .) As a new 85, you may want the Elemental Precision talent also so your Lightning Bolts miss chance decreases since at lower mana return levels you cannot afford many misses. Mana is returned only on damage done, not overkill. This is important since if you try on a Training Dummy a lot of damage will be overkill and you will see no mana generated. This is also an example of why Training Dummies are better used for a human fine motor skill / GUI monitoring practice with their DPS rotation than for measuring a CC's performance in a dungeon/raid.
ShamWOW is designed to do the best it can with the character you give it and will take advantage of Telluric Currents if specced. For users that report going OOM and submit a log file, the first thing I check is whether they specced TC or not. If you would like to learn more about Telluric Currents see the article at (
Making Telluric Currents Work for You | Life in Group 5 - A Resto Shaman Blog ) If you encounter any issues ShamWOW or your mana consumption, please be sure to attach a log file from your experiences following the steps from the FAQ.
Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Edit: Telluric Currents will be of little to no use if you run with an aggressive group that provides no breaks in combat to cast Lightning Bolt. If there is no break during combat where you aren't required to cast a heal due to the Tank chain pulling multiple groups and the tank isn't sufficiently geared to handle you will only have time to cast heals and end up OOM regardless of what you do. Tank will need to consider not just his gear but healers also when setting the pace for the instance. I just ran Normal Lost City of Tol'Vir. I had an average Item Level of 300 with a tank in a mix of Normal and Heroic blues, so probably about a 330 avg item level. DPS was geared about like me. I was getting around 1600 mana on LB's and 3200+ on LB's that crit. LB was costing 1400, while not through the roof regen it beat having no additional mana regen. I ran OOM once in final boss fight due to group not being familiar with fight (not running out of AoE damage, not killing adds.)