- *NEW* - All Specs - Interrupt Style: may now select Interrupt Style of Focus
- CHANGE- All Specs - Stressful Mob count - default on Grinding tab increased to 3
- *NEW* - All Specs - Water Breathing: now will cast Water Breathing if underwater and less than 5 seconds of air remains. if Anti Drown plugin active, will cast when less than 65 secs of air left to avoid Anti Drown movement. Must have Shiny Fish Scales in bags or Glyph of Water Breathing
- CHANGE- All Specs - Grounding Totem: default value for Use Grounding Totem on CD changed to False
- *NEW* - PVP All Specs - Grounding Totem: will cast Grounding Totem upon recognizing enemy casting spell specified in PvpGroundingTotemWhitelist list in ShamWOW.config. You must extract all .ZIP contents (including Config folder) to get updated config installed. NOTE: you should disable the Use Grounding Totem on CD for this to work otherwise it won't be available for casting
- FIXED- All Specs: fixed exception occurring when Mixed Bot select and Start pressed but either Primary or Secondary Bot has not been selected.
- CHANGE- All Specs - Disable Targeting: option revised - now may disable targeting independently of movement being disabled, allowing only Bot/Plugin targeting to be used. Useful for certain custom bots/plugins and situations
- FIXED- All Specs: BGBuddy movement - ShamWOW will now wait after its spell casts before returning control to BGBuddy to fix situation of BGBuddy movement causing interrupted spellcasts. Should fix most of the stutter step movement seen.
- CHANGE- All Specs: Movement - backed out some recent changes to movement which caused erratic movement in Bots trying to move to next objective without fighting. Will be revisiting movement improvements in next release
- FIXED- All Specs: Interrupt - bug with priority of interrupt logic (Wind Shear, Thunderstorm, War Stomp) has been fixed.
- FIXED- All Specs: previously had some initialization errors causing unexpected behavior in some circumstances when entering/leaving an instance where combat is already underway
- FIXED- All Specs: Resting - bug which occurred while low on health, no food and low on mana that prevented drinking
- CHANGE- All Specs: Resting - improved handling of drinking while in combat for solo, group, and pvp
- FIXED- All Specs: Interrupt - behavior should now only be casting wind shear on mobs it is facing
- CHANGE- All Specs: Interrupt - behavior now shows interrupt target and spell being interrupted
- CHANGE- All Specs: Purge - now suppressed for Arcane Brilliance on Warriors, Rogues, and Death Knights
- FIXED- All Specs: Targeting - obscure issue with identifying some friendly targets as enemies
- FIXED- Enhancement: Hitbox Size - now correctly calculates hitbox size for mobs slightly larger than standard 5 yd melee range
- FIXED- Resto: Earth Shield Spam - bug where self (yes, a Resto Shaman) is identified as Tank by bot or plug-in causing it to enter a loop Earth Shield/Water Shield spam loop
- FIXED- Resto: bug impacting heal target selection when movement disabled and lowest health unit not in spell line of sight
- CHANGE- All Specs: increased delay factor that a spell is temporarily unavailable to be cast again after successful cast attempt. Visually you should see fewer occurrences of multiple attempts to cast the exact same spell when initial cast fails
- CHANGE- All Specs: interrupt behavior changed from using LUA to using HB API
- FIXED - All Specs - Totem Management: some improvements with management of delay in list of totems being updated by WOW/HB after they have been cast