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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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I'm encountering an issue when party botting 2 shamans in the same party, one is ele and the other is resto. They are spamming shields as the healer tries to put earth on the leader, and the leader replaces with lightning.

Is there a way to disable lightning shield on the leader?
I'm encountering an issue when party botting 2 shamans in the same party, one is ele and the other is resto. They are spamming shields as the healer tries to put earth on the leader, and the leader replaces with lightning.

Is there a way to disable lightning shield on the leader?
Smitty2684, My apologies for your issue. Please see ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for a template and steps to use when posting an issue or question. There is not an option for this since ShamWOW should detect when it has Earth Shield applied and not overwrite. I'll need the details as described in the FAQ to resolve this for you. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Thank you for creating this. Just began testing this on a level 9 Draenei. I'll be sure to report back any issues. it is best cc)
Enh spec

I downloaded this and seem to only have the CC for ele and resto. redownloaded and same thing....is there an enh spec included? new to this sorry. also seem to have outleveled it a bit. the quests its having me run are green/gray
I downloaded this and seem to only have the CC for ele and resto. redownloaded and same thing....is there an enh spec included? new to this sorry. also seem to have outleveled it a bit. the quests its having me run are green/gray
koptill, My apologies for your issue. Please see ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for a template and steps to use when posting an issue or question. There is extensive support for all specs in all environments so it sounds like you are encountering an installation issue. I'll keep an eye out for your follow up, Bobby53
Ghost wolf

As enhancement shammy I have an instant cast ghost wolf. However, every time I change the "safe distance" to use ghost wolf to 1 it changes right back to 30. I tried to change to 5 it changes back to 30. I try 0, changes to 30.

HonorBuddy Mode: Quest

Shamans Location: Hyjal

What should have happened (be specific): It should have changed distances.

What did happen (be specific): Safe change distance is seemingly locked at 0.

System time of issue (log time stamp): [2:04:35 AM:208]

View attachment 8-8-2011_2_04 AM 5452 Log.txt
As enhancement shammy I have an instant cast ghost wolf. However, every time I change the "safe distance" to use ghost wolf to 1 it changes right back to 30. I tried to change to 5 it changes back to 30. I try 0, changes to 30.
HonorBuddy Mode: Quest
Shamans Location: Hyjal
What should have happened (be specific): It should have changed distances.
What did happen (be specific): Safe change distance is seemingly locked at 0.
System time of issue (log time stamp): [2:04:35 AM:208]
View attachment 25782
Horologe, Thank you very much for the very well written issue. There was a red warning message shown in the log window pertaining to this:

[2:04:36 AM:839] Increasing Ghost Wolf Distance from 5 to 30 (Pull Distance + 5)

The safe distance isn't locked at 0 but is required to be 5 yds greater than the HonorBuddy Pull distance established in settings. That distance was set to 25 yards. ShamWOW doesn't wait until its in melee range to attack and begins casting instant attacks immediately while moving towards the target, so this constraint is necessary to avoid casting an unnecessary Ghost Wolf cast each time just prior to attacking anytime a 2nd mob is within Pull Distance of your last kill.

Ghost Wolf is also impacted by the HonorBuddy Use Mount settings per the other message:

[2:05:49 AM:224] warning: UseMount takes precedence over UseGhostWolf: the Ghost Wolf setting ignored this session

You cannot currently use both Ghost Wolf and a Mount. This is because its the Bot that determines the next objective the character moves to, not the CC. Knowing how far away that objective is should determine whether you mount or take ghost wolf form in traveling there (based upon the cast time vs. the speed). That information isn't available to ShamWOW presently.

When Ghost Wolf form was first added to ShamWOW, HonorBuddy did not support the Bot sharing where it was headed to with any components. Later, the concept of a POI (Point Of Interest) was added which will allow that. Using that information (when available) will allow ShamWOW to make this determination and appropriately choose either the mount or Ghost Wolf. The problem is that your results will vary based upon which Bot you are using since not every HonorBuddy component utilizes POI. For example, the Questing uses POI so using this info in ShamWOW to selectively cast Ghost Wolf would work well when moving between objectives. However the Quest profile you are running in Hyjal uses dozens of customized elements that were created to provide special behavior in moving or interacting with the environment in WOW that overrides the Questing bots default behavior which will compromise the results you see. This applies to any plug-in or Bot that moves your character without a supporting POI.

I apologize for getting so verbose regarding your question, but there seems to have been a number of Ghost Wolf questions recently so I am hoping this answers those for others as well.

I will be making some modifications to Ghost Wolf for an upcoming release. For now, the user chooses whether to use either Ghost Wolf or a Mount. If you want to use Ghost Wolf, clear the HonorBuddy Use Mount setting.

Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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thank you the the amazing response. maybe you can help me with some cvars then. basically I want him to travel with the flying mount and otherwise anytime he's moving keep ghostwolf and waterwalk up. that's minimal downtime, but icant wrap my head around the config needed for that right now.

Sent from my iPhone.
thank you the the amazing response. maybe you can help me with some cvars then. basically I want him to travel with the flying mount and otherwise anytime he's moving keep ghostwolf and waterwalk up. that's minimal downtime, but icant wrap my head around the config needed for that right now.

Sent from my iPhone.
That isn't possible currently. HonorBuddy only supports flying either in Bots specifically written for that behavior ( ArchaeologyBuddy and GatherBuddy) or in Questing profiles that force flying to a specific objective.

You can't truly keep Ghost Wolf up because WOW will cause you to lose Ghost Wolf form when you cast a spell. You can choose to use Ghost Wolf instead of a mount by un-checking the Use Mount setting in HonorBuddy Settings.

Water Walking is cast prior to each attempt to mount if the buff isn't already active and you haven't disabled that in ShamWOW Settings. I don't believe it will cast prior to a Ghost Wolf mount however.
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keeps spamming searing totem

When my shammie goes into combat he opens with the searing totem. So far so good, but he keeps spamming the searing totem to about 3 to 8 times each time he goes into battle. is there something i can do about it?

This is what is happening:

*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Lightning Bolt
*Flame Shock
*Lightning Bolt
*Lightning Bolt
*Lightning Bolt
*Flame Shock
*Lightning Shield
When my shammie goes into combat he opens with the searing totem. So far so good, but he keeps spamming the searing totem to about 3 to 8 times each time he goes into battle. is there something i can do about it?

This is what is happening:

*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Searing Totem
*Lightning Bolt
*Flame Shock
*Lightning Bolt
*Lightning Bolt
*Lightning Bolt
*Flame Shock
*Lightning Shield
I will need more detail. please see the FAQ linked to in my prior replies for steps to follow when posting an issue.
Bobby I know it asked this before and you told me that it would be enabled in the next release. I was just wondering what happened to Raid Icon Crown Control support? If I am not mistaken I asked about it 2 releases back and you said it would be in the next release. Did I miss something or did I just misunderstand your response to my question?
Copied from a PM...
Horologe said:
I know you must get hundreds of PMs a month but please, please msg me and help me out. I upgraded to the newest of your Shamwow and it keeps selecting the wrong weapon. Please help me out. I can talk to you in any for of messenger really.
Horologe, I'm assuming by selecting the wrong weapon you are referring to looting or quest rewards. That is a function of the Auto Equip plug-in. You'll need to change the options for that plugin to whatever combination you prefer. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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