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There used to be a way to revert WoW to a previous patch. Is there still any way to do it? Was a minor patch, so you can play WoW without it. I can play on my other PC because I didn't update it there, but I done goofed on my main rig.
ok i know this sounds apologize in advance. But how do you launch the game w/o the battle net launcher? i like the idea of a straight launch to avoid the ninja patch but on my desktop when i click the wow icon (not the icon) it still loads battle net and i have to click play from there to launch game
right click desktop world of warcraft icon select properties in target box change it to say
"C:\what ever is in between\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe" <~~~~ will open game
"C:\what ever is in between\World of Warcraft\World of Warcraft Launcher.exe" <~~~~~ opens the launcher and bnet app
also if you make a folder within your "World of warcraft" folder and name it something like "64icon" and drag your "wow-64.exe" file into it your desktop short cut will always open up the 32 bit instead of 64 since that file has been moved. (to do this make sure you have file extension visible, which can be set in folder options, do a search if you do not know how)
P.S. if the added folder and move file method is used, the file needs to be moved after any updates because it repopulates