have you guys tried the routines that's already included in Trinity "MonkSunwukoWaveOfLight" ? i was using it few days ago before my key expired and i don't remember having much trouble.
I set cluster up to 15.
In case anyone is looking for a functional Monk WoL build, the one called "MonkSunwukoWaveOfLight" in older versions is now called "Classic One Punch Monk by TwoCigars" and it actually works really well. I set cluster up to 15 and equipped ingeom instead of my Kyoshiro weap for speed 13. Also I am using witching hour, not kyoshiro belt, and it is maintaining 10 stacks of sweeping wind perfectly fine. I am using the non-generator WoL variant, and I am almost entirely non-ancient gear stilll. Hope this helps.
Trash/elite range for dashing strike or whatever i have turned all the way up, but I'm not sure this matters much. I only noticed it doing weird stuff when the range was less than 30 yards or so, it would just ignore mobs for obvious reasons, so i cranked that sucker up.Are you referring to 'cluster size' or 'trash cluster range'? If that's cluster size, what do you have for trash cluster range?