A plugin that needs the following functions:
- Stop botting when certain level is reached
- Stop botting after x minutes
- Stop botting when pack has x items in it
- When it stops botting it has to be able to use his HS before logging off
- After shutting down wow it has to be able to shut down the whole computer
I found some plugins who look like it but those plugins are not totally it. Or they wont HS and they just shutdown wow what kills you while leveling. Or they dont shutdown the pc at all.
I dont have any coding skills so I hope someone can help
- Stop botting when certain level is reached
- Stop botting after x minutes
- Stop botting when pack has x items in it
- When it stops botting it has to be able to use his HS before logging off
- After shutting down wow it has to be able to shut down the whole computer
I found some plugins who look like it but those plugins are not totally it. Or they wont HS and they just shutdown wow what kills you while leveling. Or they dont shutdown the pc at all.
I dont have any coding skills so I hope someone can help