i tried loading it both way, with the plugin or directly.
log is attatched ( in this log i first tried direct and then with the plugin)
got it working again! thanks for the speedy update, only lost a day of dailies.
Bot picks the quest "The grand melee" but he doesnt try to do it. The bot skips it and stops saying nothing more to do. In this log there is only this mission:
View attachment 184775
Argent Tournament, Quest: Threat from Above
File stops because it says toon doesnt know a spell that I checked on wowhead and doesnt exist.
View attachment 184764
When the bot has to turn all the missions completed, just before entering the building WOW gets extremely laggy and bot stand just in front of the quest givers.
View attachment 184766
BTW it would be nice if bot could use teleport items like wormholes, jainas lockets (from shadowmourne) or heartstone if in dalaran. My bot tried to go from garrison to sw, to boat, instead of using the wormhole that leaves, literally, right in the grounds. of course if you have an argent tournament tabard (cost 50 seals, teleports you to argent tournament) it has priority.
I tried to start my Pandaria daily run for the first time using TBMC and I got the following error in .NETFramework: Unable to load new profile, profile at path "store:///TheBrodieMan Productions/Pandaria Expansion Package/Dailies/Start Pandaria Dailies.xml" couldn't be found - Please can I have some help? Thanks!
A log file doesn't show whats blowing up. This is a Microsoft .NET Framework issue. I start Honorbuddy, hit Plugins, Check TBMC, Click Settings, Click Garrison, Click 'Full Garrison Grind', Click 'Yes' then get hit with this Unhandled Exception that you see above.
And no, I do not have a Draenor module streaming. Should I?