What you sent before was HB output. Not a log file. I cannot identify your version numbers, any compiler errors, or the line that showed what path the profile was loaded from without the log file. We don't ask for logs just to bug people. We ask because there's more than 1 line we look for.
The fix is in and submitted. The error only encompasses if you are not inside The Eye after attempting to enter the instance. If it is having trouble moving inside, or is getting stuck trying to do so, please let me know. If this profile is started inside The Eye, it should run fine regardless of this error. Then you can go get your refund.
No need, if it's fixed - it's fixed. Just have a 7 window period, and I've purchased things before that didn't get support (i.e. akatosh stuff) and is dead in the water. Granted, those were far more expensive. As you can see, I was starting it in SW because, "This profile can be started from any zone (minus Blood Elf and Draenai 1-10 zones) and will direct you to The Eye in Netherstorm. It will then run through the instance to kill (only) Kael'thas and (hopefully!!!) loot the elusive Ashes of Al'ar!".
It also doesn't run because of that error. It just sits where ever I started it, until I stop the bot.