k, well. I'm done with the HB plugin.
Since thread was made:
8 hours coding
Watched 2 movies in that time, 1 TV episode and got through 1-9 of captain sparkle's survival map.
Supports two way chatting, remote logging off (clean (/quit when next out of combat) and forced (taskkill /f /im wow.exe)), ability to link bots to multiple accounts on my site so multiple people can monitor the same bot, view offline bots, their name, realm, level, max xp, xp, zone, sub-zone, max hp, hp, max mana, mana, currencies (This way the ONLY thing I was too lazy to google lua for... I tried to copy yours and I some how failed... ended up googling anyway.) including: gold, justice, honor, valor, conquest. Race and class.
Now, who said I couldn't quickly throw it together?
I would code some nice Javascript 'n html for it, but, my internet is terrible so the worse the better.
Time to upload it to my dedi and monitor my bots, while I can't release it due to request of the author inspired me to make this (Name calling sort of marks that) and everyone else who posted in this thread other than joystick9. No time in this entire thread did I mean to be rude, but that's it.
Games over, I've coded it. I may at a later point do remote talents/profile changing/botbase changing/item using (Like heartstone/boats/gryphon masters), but, for now I'm happy.
Thanks for playing.