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Remaking jMon (Honorbuddy monitor)


New Member
Dec 20, 2011
It's great and all, but, his servers are so shit that I give up. He also doesn't support some of the stuff I want, nor does he really reply to issues. So, I'm going to quickly throw a new one together.

A. The site will not look good, I suck at HTML5, PHP, JS, CSS and HTML. I can do enough PHP to get this working, that's all I need. I may add a background image or something if I find a good one, but it's probably just going to be a mess of <p>s, <input type="button">s and <input type="textbox">s.
B. So far it has the following actions:

Pulse, which will send: Realm/level/name/zone/subzone/currently life state/current mana, rage, focus, fury state/experience/gold/justice/valor/honor/conquest/class/race, not in that order. Not all at once. Will only send the stuff it needs when they update, and when it's a certain time between one an other.

looted, basically just says "Yo, I looted X, Y and Z". I'll probably include the WoWhead API on this to have those little pop-ups

killed, same as looted but with kills. Not sure if I'll support player kills or not in this list because stuff like battlegrounds you'll get spammed with kills due to the huge-teams.

stop, stops the bot. Executes the macro command /quit, when WoW quits so does honorbuddy (Note, this feature won't work if you have something like arelogger or HBrelogger, due the fact it'll just restart it!)

pause, pauses the bot the same way as if you pressed the "stop button" on HB. Won't shut WoW or HB (Note, this feature won't work if you have something like arelogger or HBrelogger, due the fact it'll just restart it!)

receiveChat, updates with received chat along with customizable chat channels (/s, /g, /w, /y, /bg, /o, etc...)

sendChat, sends chat from your mobile device, however due to the fact the pulse works, it may take 5-15 seconds to send the message after you hit send. Same with everything here, happens 5-15 seconds after it really happens.

What else can I add? Once I release this I probably won't support it anymore, because that's how I am as a programmer. So, this is your only time to really suggest something.
I can help out if you would like, pretty extensive knowledge PHP, HTML, JQuery, MySQL. I offered to help out joachim in a pm and have not gotten a response and I have been thinking about making my own monitor also.
I can help out if you would like, pretty extensive knowledge PHP, HTML, JQuery, MySQL. I offered to help out joachim in a pm and have not gotten a response and I have been thinking about making my own monitor also.

Eh, last time I worked with a partner to make a program it ended up terribly. I prefer to work alone, if it looks like shit, it looks like shit. Least it'll work.
On the same note, I wouldn't mind asking you:
Best way to match a bot to it's existing profile in my mysql database? I was going to say off name/realm, but then I thought what if they change realms? Then someone else creates a toon with the same name? They'd be fucked because then they couldn't make a toon on my site because it'd already be taken and it'd be bound to a different site.

Is there any character identifying number that stays with them through realm changes/name changes/race changes? (Obviously there is or blizzard wouldn't be able to assign characters to accounts, but I mean is there one that the public can access their own key?)

So far I've done:
0% of the C# application for honorbuddy (Should be the quickest thing)
0% of the HTML/CSS/JS for the site to make it look half decent and not just a white page (I probably will never get around to this)
5% of the PHP code. So far coded the connection code for the bot, and a few mysql functions.

Still needed to do in the PHP code:
Login system
Protect updateAccount.php depending on whos logged in on some commands (like the send chat/stop/pause)
Work out a way to protect the pulse so only the bot can answer it... which I don't honestly think is possible. So, DON'T TELL YOUR BOT ID TO ANYONE OR THEY CAN FUK SHIT UP!1
Cookie system
A random way of generating botIDs, userIDs and cookie ids.... this isn't really an issue, it's just I don't feel like coding it at this time.
joystick9 said:
What I had been playing on doing was creating a UUID() (aka api key) within MySQL then associate it to each "bot id" which would be and MD5 hash of the username or username/realm. This would create a pretty safe way of storing the info without actually having the info stored within the database, then have the class as the username then they could edit it but it would still be id. It would be pretty unlikely that this would be decrypted. However, this does not solve the issue of changing servers unless you only do the username, but of course this isn't unique. You could maybe hash the username + UUID for the whole account.

Here's my dummy database so far for the bots:

Reason why it stores all that information is because unlike some people, I like the way j-mon keeps the data even when your bots are offline, so if they go offline while you're away you can see how far they got before turning off. I'll probably also add a last seen online option later, when I'm no longer shaking on caffeine (just drank 2 2 liter bottles of coke and it's 7AM... been up for 24 hours). I'll also add a "Never store" and "Bot delete" options which pretty much, when they're offline, deletes them automatically (or manually)

uid = the user id (website login) it's bound to
bid = the bot id the bot uses to transmit data to the site, the bot will be sent the bot ID whenever it issues the connect pulse (Easily exploitable... just: updateAccount.php?name=ACCOUNTNAME&realm=REALM&action=connecting&uid=USERID, not sure if I'll keep the user ID in the script, think I'll assign it on the site so you deal with EVERYTHING on the site)
name = their name
realm = their realm
level = their level
maxxp = their max xp (used so I can give a percentage)
xp = their current xp
maxhp/maxmana same as max xp
gold will be in a format where 1 = 1 copper, 100 = 1 silver and 10,000 = 1G... not sure what the limit is, say they have like 10,000G... 10,000*10,000 = 100,000,000
justice is just 1 to 1, max being 4k, same for valor/honor and conquest
race/class is their race and class

I would encrypt the data, but, it obviously has to be decrypted to be shown when they're offline, so, no much point is in if it can be decrypted. And, I honestly don't care who bots so I won't be reporting. I'll give that warning in the thread, if I ever release it however.
You can still store a hash of the username + api key and never store the actual "data" (username/realm as plain text) and still display everything for that account even if they're offline. Of course everyone will have a different opinion on how to store things/how things should be associated. Maybe I will explain myself tomorrow when its not late/and me not being sober.
It's great and all, but, his servers are so shit that I give up. He also doesn't support some of the stuff I want, nor does he really reply to issues. So, I'm going to quickly throw a new one together.

Okay, that's somewhat understandable. Server issues have caused me to bail on services before as well. As for not supporting what you want or replying to issues:

What else can I add? Once I release this I probably won't support it anymore, because that's how I am as a programmer. So, this is your only time to really suggest something.

Haha. See this is why I browse forums every once in a while. You're bitching about the same thing you're about to do to whoever decides to use your services. Irony at it's best. I'll be sure not to jump on board knowing that you're going to not support it after you release it. You do realize that there is a high level of support required for a service you provide via your own servers, right? Not to mention the upkeep on the database. And I'd advise against "quickly throwing together" a web app of this sort simply for security's sake. Not to mention the fact that j0achim has a whole lot of hours invested in his code - I know personally - and is a fairly skilled web developer on top of knowing how to code for HB, and if his has problems, what will yours have if it's "thrown together"?

I'm all for rolling competitive code and services, and I'm glad that you want to improve the HB community, but I'm also going to be honest with you. Essentially you're going to recreate the wheel, not support it when you're done, throw up a shitty web interface, and hope that a beefy server is what keeps people using your service?

Good luck with your project.
Okay, that's somewhat understandable. Server issues have caused me to bail on services before as well. As for not supporting what you want or replying to issues:

Haha. See this is why I browse forums every once in a while. You're bitching about the same thing you're about to do to whoever decides to use your services. Irony at it's best. I'll be sure not to jump on board knowing that you're going to not support it after you release it. You do realize that there is a high level of support required for a service you provide via your own servers, right? Not to mention the upkeep on the database. And I'd advise against "quickly throwing together" a web app of this sort simply for security's sake. Not to mention the fact that j0achim has a whole lot of hours invested in his code - I know personally - and is a fairly skilled web developer on top of knowing how to code for HB, and if his has problems, what will yours have if it's "thrown together"?

I'm all for rolling competitive code and services, and I'm glad that you want to improve the HB community, but I'm also going to be honest with you. Essentially you're going to recreate the wheel, not support it when you're done, throw up a shitty web interface, and hope that a beefy server is what keeps people using your service?

Good luck with your project.

This pretty much sums up my thoughts also. When I read through this thread the first thing I thought was "wtf"

I will wait for J0acim's project.
What can i say I'm amazed that i provide a free service, which is in a start phase and because i don't want to share hundreds of hours of what i have worked on with people who send me a private message I'm then prick. Incredible thats the word that comes to mind!

And my project is not something that can be thrown together, nor am i trying to make BuddyCenter clone, so if you dont want to use services i offer 100% free of charge without any adds so be it, but its absolutely uncalled for hanging me out like this.
Okay, that's somewhat understandable. Server issues have caused me to bail on services before as well. As for not supporting what you want or replying to issues:

Haha. See this is why I browse forums every once in a while. You're bitching about the same thing you're about to do to whoever decides to use your services. Irony at it's best. I'll be sure not to jump on board knowing that you're going to not support it after you release it. You do realize that there is a high level of support required for a service you provide via your own servers, right? Not to mention the upkeep on the database. And I'd advise against "quickly throwing together" a web app of this sort simply for security's sake. Not to mention the fact that j0achim has a whole lot of hours invested in his code - I know personally - and is a fairly skilled web developer on top of knowing how to code for HB, and if his has problems, what will yours have if it's "thrown together"?

I'm all for rolling competitive code and services, and I'm glad that you want to improve the HB community, but I'm also going to be honest with you. Essentially you're going to recreate the wheel, not support it when you're done, throw up a shitty web interface, and hope that a beefy server is what keeps people using your service?

Good luck with your project.

>That I want

Not that you want, what I want. That's why I I'm coding it.
What can i say I'm amazed that i provide a free service, which is in a start phase and because i don't want to share hundreds of hours of what i have worked on with people who send me a private message I'm then prick. Incredible thats the word that comes to mind!

And my project is not something that can be thrown together, nor am i trying to make BuddyCenter clone, so if you dont want to use services i offer 100% free of charge without any adds so be it, but its absolutely uncalled for hanging me out like this.

>Implying I said anything bad, I just said your servers were shit
Oh, it can't be thrown together quickly? So far I'd say 30% coded and I've only been going about 2ish hours.

You makes yours look great, which I love, however, I don't like the fact that it's lags like hell. With mine, I'm just going to host it on my own computer and port forward and connect like that, then, if other people want to use it they can download the .php files and use it like that. Thus, no stress on a single host. I honestly think you should do the same, then I could stop coding.

Oh, and I like I said, I really didn't mean to offend you, I love your project.
>That I want

Not that you want, what I want. That's why I I'm coding it.

When I say "you" to you, that means "I" for you... If I was referring to myself I would have said "As for not supporting what I want or replying to issues". But I understand the confusion - english is hard.
Post your finished work and not every completed percentage? Still you're not doing any good ad for this by telling its a complete mess and looks shitty, when you got on the other hand a good looking monitor by j0achim.

Secondly you refuse any help, but you're critical to j0achim for not responding you or neither use your suggestions for his work.
when you do it for your own and only work on your own thoughts why you even share?

Just my 2 cents
Post your finished work and not every completed percentage? Still you're not doing any good ad for this by telling its a complete mess and looks shitty, when you got on the other hand a good looking monitor by j0achim.

Secondly you refuse any help, but you're critical to j0achim for not responding you or neither use your suggestions for his work.
when you do it for your own and only work on your own thoughts why you even share?

Just my 2 cents

when you do it for your own and only work on your own thoughts why you even share?

Don't understand that line... :/

Guess it means "Don't release it", and if that's the case. Sure thing. I won't release it, considering no-one here sounds like they want it... I want it thought, I was just going to release it because, like I said, joachim's one is down quite often and doesn't have a stop option.
when you do it for your own and only work on your own thoughts why you even share?

Don't understand that line... :/

Guess it means "Don't release it", and if that's the case. Sure thing. I won't release it, considering no-one here sounds like they want it... I want it thought, I was just going to release it because, like I said, joachim's one is down quite often and doesn't have a stop option.

sorry not my native language. I meant if you creating it for personal use, why you share your work with us? If you release it public you have to work on it day by day to improve it.
sorry not my native language. I meant if you creating it for personal use, why you share your work with us? If you release it public you have to work on it day by day to improve it.

Because it doesn't hurt anyone if I release it? But whatever, I won't release it since it obviously won't help anyone either.
when you do it for your own and only work on your own thoughts why you even share?

Don't understand that line... :/

Guess it means "Don't release it", and if that's the case. Sure thing. I won't release it, considering no-one here sounds like they want it... I want it thought, I was just going to release it because, like I said, joachim's one is down quite often and doesn't have a stop option.

"Noone" here wants it because of your attitude.