Mastahg is aware of it, i'm sure. If the bot doesn't work yet, just give it a few hours.Yet another client update today. :S
Yes I know. I am in no way asking for an immediate update. Just that its pretty frequent the game gets updated. (3 weeks in a row. patch 3.3, 1st and second hotfixes). While a good thing that gets fixed, hope Mastahg doesn't get overwhelmed with the constant need to update the bot.
I know right?! i feel lost without buddybot by side... im missing a part of my soul when im not botting
Same here. It sort of concerns me that only Mastahg can update it. What if he's ill or on vacation or something? Also, what I don't understand is when we have to wait many hours for an update and then he says "Working now, no need to download a new version". Is RB a client/server program? I thought the server part was only to validate the license key.
When you connect to verify the license you download all the addressees used called offsets. If I were to take a vacation, then before doing so wed set one of the other buddy staff to cover it.
Offsets updated, no need to download a new version.
Orderbot and Combat Assist can now skip cutscenes
Orderbot defaults to skipping
Combat assist does not skip by default
You can toggle this on and off in the botbase settings for the respective bots.
Does not skip cutscenes that are normally unskippable.
Profile developers can temporarily block the skipping of cutscenes by using
<BotSettings BlockSkippingCutscenes="1"/>
and then to resume skipping
<BotSettings BlockSkippingCutscenes="0"/>
this shouldn't be needed for the most part.
New Api:
ConditionParser.IsAetheryteKnown(uint npcid);
You can now pass the npcid of a large aetheryte or a small aethernet
Ex checking if the aetheryte in gridania is learnt
<if Condition="IsAetheryteKnown(2)">
You do not need to be near the aetheryte to tell if it has been learnt
WorldManagager.HasAetheryteId has been reworked to check both Aetherytes and Aethernets
Aetheryte.IsKnown has been added
Any chance to add the new "Cloud Mallow" mount in Global settings? i did not see it on the list even I own this mount and restarted RB