Is their a post that explains all the tags? For some reason I can't get the <Gather while="True"> tag and the <gathertag Condition="ItemCount('itemname') < 2000"> tag to work together. If I leave out <Gather while="True">, I will teleport to where I need to go and just stand there. If I leave out <gathertag Condition="ItemCount('itemname') < 2000"> I have no control over how much of an item I want to gather.
I've tried switching the order around and it's still a no go. It seems they can't be closed off with the same </gather> and adding another </gather> (so I have two at the end) doesn't seem to work either. With both of them I get errors, any Ideas? Thank you for your help.
<Name>Button Mushroom</Name>
<While Condition="True">
<!-- Gather Button Mushroom -->
<If Condition="not IsOnMap(145)">
<TeleportTo Name="Camp Drybone" AetheryteId="18" />
<Gather while="True">
<Gather while="ItemCount('Button Mushroom') < 5">
<GatherObject>Lush Vegetation Patch</GatherObject>
<Hotspot Radius="80" X="-344.0994" Y="-28.06476" Z="-41.86419" />
<ItemName>Button Mushroom</ItemName>
<GatheringSkill SpellName="Blessed Harvest II" TimesToCast="1" />