We changed the way of downloading meshes, so any old versions will not work soon.
For Bugreports! Make sure you make a new account unless you already got one:
Buddy Bugtracker Main Page
If you are receiving the message telling you that Honorbuddy needs to install extra components over and over; please read the following!
Run the HonorbuddyInstallerWorkaround.exe located in the zip archieve .
Some text should appear.
Close it, and run HB.
This Version includes Instancebuddy, do not use the old IB - it won't work.
Download Honorbuddy
Moderator's Edit
In order to use Hb your WoW client must be fully (100%) patched
We changed the way of downloading meshes, so any old versions will not work soon.
CHANGE - HB now set's Click-to-move on startup.
CHANGE - Mount Distance now has a control in the Levelbot form for setting the value of the MountDistance.
CHANGE - HB will now close when the wow process associated with it closes.
CHANGE - HB now encypts both the username & password in the 'StyxSettings.xml' file.
FIX - Will now mount when running a MoveTo node in the questorder.
FIX - Constantly dismounting when mounted in combat.
FIX - Will now clear the current event table of contents when starting to avoid 'freeze lag' if you start/stop hb play manually then start hb again.
FIX - PlayerQuest.IsCompleted works properly now.
FIX - Targeting will no longer cause the bot to stop when the pulse is finished
FIX - If using the questbot and HB completes a UseItem node that complete's the quest it's currently doing it won't try to do it again if the bot is restarted.
FIX - Fixed a bug in the SelectReward code if the QuestCache messes up making hb think the quest has no rewards, making HB enter an endless 'loop' trying to complete the quest. Will now select the first avaible reward.
FIX - Should no longer throw exception in the default target weight.
FIX - Looting will now make sure you are in range before doing double-loot sanity checks.
FIX - GrindBot/Roam, HB will once again pull mobs with FactionId's whom matches those defined in the currently loaded profile when mounted (no more trying to stare them to death!).
FIX - Won't stand still for extended periods of time if you have a target when running the moveto logic that isn't the first unit in the target list.
FIX - CombatAssist bot shouldn't make the zombies get stuck in Pull when your target is the leader's target.
FIX - Problems with sending mails should be resolved.
For Bugreports! Make sure you make a new account unless you already got one:
Buddy Bugtracker Main Page
If you are receiving the message telling you that Honorbuddy needs to install extra components over and over; please read the following!
Run the HonorbuddyInstallerWorkaround.exe located in the zip archieve .
Some text should appear.
Close it, and run HB.
[SIZE=3][COLOR=red]If you are getting this exception:
Invalid Executor, Styx.Helpers.CharacterSettings threw an exception, or
[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Error - Endscene hook failed: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: EndSceneProc passed to Executor constructor was invalid, or[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=red]something similiar to that.
Then you need to do this /run print(GetCVar('gxApi'))[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]open the chatbox in wow copy paste that press enter.
If it prints D3D9 ure all good if it says D3D11 you have to open your Config.wtf file and edit this row:
SET gxApi "D3D11"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Make sure it looks like this:
[/COLOR][COLOR=red]SET gxApi "D3D9"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]
This Version includes Instancebuddy, do not use the old IB - it won't work.
Download Honorbuddy
Moderator's Edit
In order to use Hb your WoW client must be fully (100%) patched
We changed the way of downloading meshes, so any old versions will not work soon.