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ever since the update bot stuck in stupid places all the time now, doing grift is waste of keys as for now I only run normal rift because the bot got stuck and restart frequently, at least I dont lose much with normal rift. please fix this BS soon!
@raphus - can you please have a look at this?


- The issue is now affecting more than one person and on different Operating systems
- A DB version of two/three months ago worked fine (Last Season)
- if there's any specific logs just let us know, I can post all the logs i get but if there's a way to facilitate your search let me know.

Basically we now have a product that we paid for but is unusable
@raphus - can you please have a look at this?


- The issue is now affecting more than one person and on different Operating systems
- A DB version of two/three months ago worked fine (Last Season)
- if there's any specific logs just let us know, I can post all the logs i get but if there's a way to facilitate your search let me know.

Basically we now have a product that we paid for but is unusable

You sir, the product will always become unstable as Blizzard releases updates for the game, you should have known this before you bought your key, its part of life. They're working to fix DB hence the new release every couple of days.
You sir, the product will always become unstable as Blizzard releases updates for the game, you should have known this before you bought your key, its part of life. They're working to fix DB hence the new release every couple of days.

Let me add it here as well so it gets some well deserved visibility.

1st - no one asked you opinion, if you want to be a retarded idiot the go be it somewhere else.

2nd - I have tested the latest version and the beta version and the issue happens on all PC's I have two Windows PCs a windows laptop, and a MacBook Pro running windows.

3rd - You assume I don't know who to code or that i haven't tried to fix it, that's just a blunt and idiotic assumption from someone who just drops this comment without even seeing the first post or at least read it properly before commenting with useless comments

So for the sake of Us all please don't, don't be that idiot guy.

EDIT: just went into my buddyauth just to get the proper date, I have been using DB since May 2013 - so dont come to me with your 'you should have known this before you bought your key, its part of life." - its not the only bot i use, is not the only game i bot and I use other bots for other games like gw2 mmominion so i am well aware of this normal instabilities but this is not one of this issues
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@raphus - can you please have a look at this?


- The issue is now affecting more than one person and on different Operating systems
- A DB version of two/three months ago worked fine (Last Season)
- if there's any specific logs just let us know, I can post all the logs i get but if there's a way to facilitate your search let me know.

Basically we now have a product that we paid for but is unusable

Ofc, because you pay only one time. Normal devs , doing p2p subscribe , and update his project for getting more money. When this db versions not works, always stuck, using wrong rotations, not attack enemy , or have other bugs or delays.

What doing this DB Devs , they fix bug in GUI AWESOME!!!

If you wanna look how "This devs works" look at tankleader , this is shame for users, it works like a crap (or not works) other bots for WoT in 100000000000 times better than this tankleader shit.

I already have DB , Tankleader, and POE key. For POE I get chargeback because this crap not works and I get ban in 1 day.

-----for DB devs

Why free bot for Diablo 3 ROS , Works better than your pro super imba awesome crap sh1t bot ?, I try all version and updates for 4 Season.

Okay mb Bossland not pay money for your works guys, and it's reason why this project on sh1t level, and worst than other FREE bot what live only on DONATIONS.
Please Bossland START PAY TO DEVS , Like rrrix , TarasBulba and xzjv.

P.S now I understand why rrrix leave from project ...
Don't get me wrong ... I love DB, its from far the best bot I've used, some times this issues happened and they are quickly fixed, this one although it has been happening for a while now, and I see updated coming out but none to address this issue, I have DemonB, HonorB, WildB, ArchB and HearthB.... they are great some of them have theirs flaws but its kind of expected.

In this case its really frustrating, but is not life or dead situation. I think we are just looking for an acknowledge of this issue so we know its in hand and will be fixed.
Let me add it here as well so it gets some well deserved visibility.

1st - no one asked you opinion, if you want to be a retarded idiot the go be it somewhere else.

2nd - I have tested the latest version and the beta version and the issue happens on all PC's I have two Windows PCs a windows laptop, and a MacBook Pro running windows.

3rd - You assume I don't know who to code or that i haven't tried to fix it, that's just a blunt and idiotic assumption from someone who just drops this comment without even seeing the first post or at least read it properly before commenting with useless comments

So for the sake of Us all please don't, don't be that idiot guy.

EDIT: just went into my buddyauth just to get the proper date, I have been using DB since May 2013 - so dont come to me with your 'you should have known this before you bought your key, its part of life." - its not the only bot i use, is not the only game i bot and I use other bots for other games like gw2 mmominion so i am well aware of this normal instabilities but this is not one of this issues

Chill your butt bro. He is just trying to calm the community down. There is no need for cursing or bashing people.
Yes no one ask for my opinion here. I assume i am allowed to voice my opinion since i can click the reply button. Thanks.
yes of course you can but if you get here with attitudes like this:

"You sir, the product will always become unstable as Blizzard releases updates for the game, you should have known this before you bought your key, its part of life. They're working to fix DB hence the new release every couple of days. "


"Latest DB Latest trinity 3, works perfectly, bar a few stucks where it will remake the game. Deal with it for now until the code is fixed, or learn to code and fix it yourself.
Edit: I have tested on, Windows 7, 8 and 10 all 64 Bit so plz stop with the OS posts "

is not trying to calm the community down, also because i am not sure where the rage actually is to have someone to go around and "calm down"!

They start crush and bash and we just deflect it hence the answer simple and clear and numbers for easy read.

And again i think we are all grown up people here to see when we are actually trying to help, or just posting no useful information in the middle of a thread, other than blunt assumptions of what I / We can consider a idiotic act.

And if you still feel like "chill your butt" i can only recommend the Nordic countries at this time of the year, for other bruisers frozen pees also work, you may want to try that as well, the south and most of Europe still has some hot temperatures. Also I was looking At my Id card but i don't think we are related so i don't think I am your brother at all.

Also feel free to express your opinion the reply button is there for it :) - just think a bit before using it. Just because you can does not mean you should.
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I'm just imagining a time way into the future when the combat routines and the navigation is polished up. Maybe make this Buddystore thing for DemonBuddy so we have some incentive for those developers who aren't being motivated since they're practically doing most of the stuff for free.

From what I can tell, DemonBuddy is only as strong as the community's contribution and honestly, and I think there are only like 2-3 active community developers, all of whom are working for free and on big projects. Would be nice to know that the platform developers help in polishing the avoidance/kiting issues that I honestly think should have been near perfect by now. You can look at other communities of botters/scripters (not really just for D3, but for other games) where they have come up with some crazy dodging/kiting logic to their bots, almost to the point of making them godlike bots rather than dumb bots. Being a long-time user of DB for about 2+ years already, I would like to say that kiting has never been all that great, and this bot has been known to get stuck very often.

The current DH combat routine is so crappy that I have to play somewhere below torment to avoid hundreds of deaths and game resets. Why? Because DemonBuddy keeps letting my character sit in every kind of AoE, does not kite, and I've already posted such issues on Trinity/other parts of the DemonBuddy forums but no answers so far. This again only leads me to believe that there's a lack of manpower for DemonBuddy and that really makes me sad :(.
yes of course you can but if you get here with attitudes like this:

"you sir, the product will always become unstable as blizzard releases updates for the game, you should have known this before you bought your key, its part of life. They're working to fix db hence the new release every couple of days. "


"latest db latest trinity 3, works perfectly, bar a few stucks where it will remake the game. Deal with it for now until the code is fixed, or learn to code and fix it yourself.
Edit: I have tested on, windows 7, 8 and 10 all 64 bit so plz stop with the os posts "

is not trying to calm the community down, also because i am not sure where the rage actually is to have someone to go around and "calm down"!

They start crush and bash and we just deflect it hence the answer simple and clear and numbers for easy read.

And again i think we are all grown up people here to see when we are actually trying to help, or just posting no useful information in the middle of a thread, other than blunt assumptions of what i / we can consider a idiotic act.

And if you still feel like "chill your butt" i can only recommend the nordic countries at this time of the year, for other bruisers frozen pees also work, you may want to try that as well, the south and most of europe still has some hot temperatures. Also i was looking at my id card but i don't think we are related so i don't think i am your brother at all.

Also feel free to express your opinion the reply button is there for it :) - just think a bit before using it. Just because you can does not mean you should.
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