Thank you! CanReduce works with no problem, i just mistaken it with ConvertToMateria... sorryHotbarmanager should now return the correct values.
You originally said something about CanReduce not working, is it working correctly?
Also, I've updated the RebornBooster, should be working now to allow you to once again run more then two copies of ff14 at the same time.
You can download the updated version here:
Place it in the same directory as FFXIVBoot.exe and run the booster instead.
this exception often appears after switched character or re-login, can it be fixed?[23:36:17.682 D] System.OverflowException: 数组维度超过了支持的范围。
在 GreyMagic.MemoryBase.ReadArray[T](IntPtr addr, Int32 count)
在 ff14bot.Managers.DirectorManager.get_GetRawDirectors()
在 ff14bot.Managers.DirectorManager.Update()
在 ff14bot.Behavior.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags CurrentPulseFlags)
在 ff14bot.TreeRoot.()