New build coming that fixes the aura issue. Looking into flying issues next.
It should be working now, no need to download a new version.
For those interested we use patterns to find the offsets for the game, its easy to tell when an offset breaks because it can't be found, but it is much harder to notice an offset that is broken that now matches something else.
Just Curious, are these offsets all on server? and are loaded while the initialisation of rebornbuddy?
MaybeIs that possible if some API related to Materia Transmutation be implemented in the future?
Also, what about the localisation of logs in some quest behaviours like crafting and questing related?
It's something I'd like to do, but I have concerns about being able to analyze logs uploaded. I already had a hard time working with the recent issues with exbuddy and flight.8
errors occur while purchasing from NPC vendor, attached is the same tested in RebornConsole with version 230 and 232. Works fine with230, but get NullReferenceException with following versions.
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View attachment 215804
View attachment 215805
These should now be resolved. Let me know if you continue to have issues.Have two navigation issue reported in the navigation issues thread, one in MorDhona while using TTH, and one in Idyllshire.
Failed to close
Sorry,Now i know how tags work,but my problem is not solved
i find .\Quest Behaviors\GetTo.cs. And it is as same as English RB version
"GetTo" tag isn't supported in this version
i load a profiles which contain "GetTo" tags will be asked to login RB again,and it is always print "invalid session" on the log console.
but,unfortunately,profiles in the forum like this :
Thread: [Order Bot] Mining (Leveling 1-60 + 1-50 Quests)
are used "GetTo" tags
this problem is troubling me.
i need this profile , so i have to translate "GetTo" tags to "IF" , "TeleportTo" and "MoveTo".
it bothers me, please fix it.
View attachment 218157