Request: Master Levelling
Hi guys,
I know this thread is more for the code wizards, but under the banner of 'Dev requests' I wanted to put forth some serious interest in getting some form of master levelling integration into EB. I made a post earlier in a thread, but in the spirit of wanting to make it an official request I thought best to post in the most relevant thread; hence this one.
I understand this is not an easy undertaking, but given masters are a core part of the game, even marginal support would be great. There are some side benefits for adding this support, from new customers (I'm sure I'm not the only one who hates levelling masters every league) to potential added security, as some of us believe that zero master levelling on accounts is an obvious flag for botting (tin foil maybe, but it is a logical assumption).
Potential Counters:
"Coding support for every quest is unrealistic as many of the quests are too complex" - Fully agree, I'd recommend only coding 2-3 at most of the available quests per master, the easiest and most code friendly ones.
"Isn't that then another flag, checking who does only those quests is no different to not doing any" - Correct in theory, but many casual players will also only do those quests for the same reason - because they are easy. Thus only doing a couple of the easy quests allows us to fly under the radar that much better. Also, I believe it is impractical to use just those quests as a flag as it would snare a large portion of the non-bot users at the same time; I'd wager less than 1% of the legit playerbase skip every single master they come across, whereas currently 100% of our community does (without manual input). To this point, even the most casual of players would still do a quest or two now and then, so if we add in a random roll of whether to skip a coded quest (roll of 0-20 skip quest, 21 - 100 do quest etc) it helps to make it look more human.
"Just pay for a private one, I'm sure they're out there" - I'm sure they are too, but I've had bad experiences with private in regards to updating. The game will change and evolve and while the fundamentals of masters will not, the system could. Which means updating, a very grey area with private stuff. It would be better to spend the resources so that the community benefits, thus more customers which ultimately (hopefully) means a better product for the community.
Slightly off-topic but I feel relevant for discussion: Many users in HB community hated it when Bossland legitimized paid content, but I felt it helped breath some professionalism into the content. People are willing to put much more polish into something if they are being paid to do it. I'd contribute towards this, even though I do not make money from this product, just for QoL reasons alone.
Anyway, I get that it is a long-shot given the lack of open dev interest in taking on something like this so far, but I'd like to put the request out there 'officially' rather than let it be buried 8 posts down in some thread.
Edit: I don't know how valid it is, but here is a thread where someone did some work on masters for referencing.
Hi guys,
I know this thread is more for the code wizards, but under the banner of 'Dev requests' I wanted to put forth some serious interest in getting some form of master levelling integration into EB. I made a post earlier in a thread, but in the spirit of wanting to make it an official request I thought best to post in the most relevant thread; hence this one.
I understand this is not an easy undertaking, but given masters are a core part of the game, even marginal support would be great. There are some side benefits for adding this support, from new customers (I'm sure I'm not the only one who hates levelling masters every league) to potential added security, as some of us believe that zero master levelling on accounts is an obvious flag for botting (tin foil maybe, but it is a logical assumption).
Potential Counters:
"Coding support for every quest is unrealistic as many of the quests are too complex" - Fully agree, I'd recommend only coding 2-3 at most of the available quests per master, the easiest and most code friendly ones.
"Isn't that then another flag, checking who does only those quests is no different to not doing any" - Correct in theory, but many casual players will also only do those quests for the same reason - because they are easy. Thus only doing a couple of the easy quests allows us to fly under the radar that much better. Also, I believe it is impractical to use just those quests as a flag as it would snare a large portion of the non-bot users at the same time; I'd wager less than 1% of the legit playerbase skip every single master they come across, whereas currently 100% of our community does (without manual input). To this point, even the most casual of players would still do a quest or two now and then, so if we add in a random roll of whether to skip a coded quest (roll of 0-20 skip quest, 21 - 100 do quest etc) it helps to make it look more human.
"Just pay for a private one, I'm sure they're out there" - I'm sure they are too, but I've had bad experiences with private in regards to updating. The game will change and evolve and while the fundamentals of masters will not, the system could. Which means updating, a very grey area with private stuff. It would be better to spend the resources so that the community benefits, thus more customers which ultimately (hopefully) means a better product for the community.
Slightly off-topic but I feel relevant for discussion: Many users in HB community hated it when Bossland legitimized paid content, but I felt it helped breath some professionalism into the content. People are willing to put much more polish into something if they are being paid to do it. I'd contribute towards this, even though I do not make money from this product, just for QoL reasons alone.
Anyway, I get that it is a long-shot given the lack of open dev interest in taking on something like this so far, but I'd like to put the request out there 'officially' rather than let it be buried 8 posts down in some thread.
Edit: I don't know how valid it is, but here is a thread where someone did some work on masters for referencing.
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