this is killin' it (rbg talking)
Privet needs to allow for Recklessness, Avatar and Skull Banner to be turned off in arena and rated battlegrounds to allow for one shot macros to work properly. A lot of the time if you open up with them your going to get CCed and then they are wasted,
Here is an example of my one shot macro for arena or battle grounds
#showtooltip Recklessness
/use Potion of Mogu Power
/cast Avatar
/cast Recklessness
/cast Bloodbath
/cast Skull Banner
/use Tyrannical Gladiator's Insignia of Victory
/cast Dragon Roar
/cast Shockwave
This macro allows for different talent builds
Also even if you turn off the lvl 60 talents it still uses them
Set the "Pop offensive cooldowns when target is under hp%" option to 0%.
And the option you're talking about is "Use lvl60 talents with Burst cooldowns(Bladestorm, Shockwave, Dragon Roar)", but if you check the other options there's "Use Dragon Roar in the single target rotation". I think that you didn't turn it off.
Also, if you have an issue, always send me a log. Without it I can't really help yo or find out what's your problem.
So heres a log Richie, At the very End is an instance of it Heroic leap/Charging at the same time, Theres also a few examples of it Banner intervene/Charging at the same time in there, hope this helps
[02:54:51.886 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 100, KnownIndex: 41
[02:54:51.904 N] 51:904 - HP: 5% - Rage: 21 - Angry Sprite - 11y - 89% hp - Charge (Gap Closing on target)
[02:54:51.911 D] Spell Cast(Charge) failed! Cause: Target too close
[02:55:27.992 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 6673, KnownIndex: 35
[02:55:28.002 N] 28:002 - HP: 61% - Rage: 0 - Me - 0y - 61% hp - Battle Shout
[02:56:22.756 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 6544, KnownIndex: 51
[02:56:22.759 N] 22:759 - HP: 100% - Rage: 0 - Me - 0y - 100% hp - Heroic Leap (Gap Closing on target)
In the logs it appears that the CR casted charge, but it failed because the target was too close, then it casted heroic leap instead.
It's not double casting gap-closers.![]()