Will check this. Do you think about anything that might changed? Also your log file would be useful to see your talents and settings.
Hey richie yeah I will send you my logs of the game play. I used your CR till 2k then I switched to the pure rotation 1 because of these reasons. If you can add these features do Your CR it would be the best thing out there for warriors.
1. Just fix the intervene on scattered teammates to get the trap. ( pure rotation does this perfectly )
2. Auto disarm when enemy is bursting, example warriors reck, enh sham ascendence . ( pure rotation does this perfectly )
3. and last but not least mass spell reflect I cant seem to get it to work, it just never uses it even though I have it enabled. ( pure does that very well to )
- If you can put the time in and fix those 3 things im willing to donate again on top of my 1st donation, I really enjoy playing warrior class and i really like your cr for it. Just needs minor tweaking, Your CR does everything else better then the pure rotation 1 it just needs those 3 things hot fixed and man and this thing can take you to 2300+ trust me.
I will try and lost a log up of me playing some 2s, I can't post anything on 3s because im sitting on my rating for this last week for my title, But i mainly run tsg I use bladestorm and avatar usually, and just train someone down,
All in all I love your cr just needs to intervene everytime the healer is scatter trapped and hes in range if you can get it too do that like a pro like pure this will be your best cr you have ever produced.
thanks for your time hope too see a update son