How To Level 90-100 Using Invasions
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WhisperInvite - Chat & Communication - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse
In wow, config it so it would invite anyone who messages you "invite" or "inv" a group invite, make sure it is not set to auto convert.
Create a macro in game called "talk2" and have it say something in general / 1. chat like "Raiviens Tag group! msg me "inv" to join"
Download my edited version of Xi40s (John Dread on forums) Profile attached.
What this profile will do is
1. Go to Westfall invasion from SW
2. Hit your macro 4 times in 1 minute, every 15 seconds.
3. The addon will automatically invite people to group
4. Do the invasions
5. Disband group, fly out and reset and start this again.
The reason for adding this is because sometimes profiles will miss the bosses, and group exp is much much more exp than solo.
All credit to John Dread, and the others who helped him.
I just was sat there and thought of this idea so added it and make way points shorter.
I get 1.2-1.7m/hour exp with this.
Please note!
If someone invites you to group first, it will delay your inviting of people to group until that party invite has expired so i recommend you install "Decliner" addon.
Occasionally if the bot has taken a lot of damage at the end of the invasion, it will "forget" to disband group but it should disband when it gets BACK to the invasion and realises its stage 3.
I've ran this on a few toons and its been fine from 90-100.
In theory it will work on lower but I haven't tried.
I wasn't going to release this because I thought it might get too spammy at invasions and same route etc but i'm only putting post here not making a thread in profiles... if you see it, you see it.