Interesting thread, since you wrote "Someone step up and share what you know?" I can only share my speculations from the knowledge I have. Since I've been working with programing and I've read some courses in the legal department of companies I've come to some conclusions of what is happening. But we will need to start from the beginning to actually get an overview of what's happening.
The Honorbuddy community have had speculations since the start of honorbuddy what is actually causing people to get banned from the game. I don't think there is only one answer since there is so many factors that play a part in the cause of a ban. I?m going to write down some obvious things that logically would make you get hit by the banhammer and also some speculations of why so many people are getting banned by only using Tyrael while raiding and well the most interesting question is how the specific people on this community were targeted(Keep in mind that this is only speculations I don't want to scare people or make any claims to what I say is right, just give my point of view and knowledge of what I know).
I?m actually going from a point of view where Honorbuddy is not be detected by Warden - Which I actually believe is true. Why? Well if Honorbuddy was detected the forum where you post banns would be flooded, I?ve seen forum from other creators and when it hits it does not only hit some random target it actually hits everyone. -?we haven't had a single banwave from warden, and its detection methods. and blizzard had to sue us to get us to stop. so obviously if they could of stopped us they would of a long time ago.? - CodenameG
- You can say that they are banning people just so they will by more accounts so that they gain more profit, well that could be true but then they would not target people with single accounts that actually quit the game after they are banned(Which has happened). So from my point of view warden can not detect Honorbuddy.
[SUB]- This is actually really important, I don?t know if it?s me just speculating or if this is actually true, but I?ve seen more bans from the USA than from the EU realms. On what realm you play on actually makes a big difference, I believe that blizzard are having it easier to track people on USA realms only because the difference on the countries laws that are different from the EU.
This could mean that they are actually scanning the computer for honorbuddy.[/SUB]
Why are people with multi accounts getting banned?
- [SUB]Everyone has a different point of view to what they are using honorbuddy for, people that have multiple accounts on a battlenet usually use it for the black market(I define black market as to actually gain real life currency from the game). People set up these accounts differently, some have all the accounts stacked in one battlenet, others have multiple battle:nets with only one wow accounts on them. Blizzard provide different ways in how you are able to pay for the accounts, you can pay for them buy credit card or by a PrePaid Game Card. Now we a scenario where a person has bought 12 accounts on different battle:nets and starts farming, it goes very well for him for about 4 months then every account he has gets banned(The scenario outgoes from a person that does not bot 24/7 on any account but has a correct schedule and has a main account where he transfers it all to and it all goes through a Guild Bank - The scenario is supposed to as secure as it can possibly get).[/SUB]
How was this person banned, what actually caused it?
- [SUB]Well as I previously mentioned there is never only one reason to the banhammer to actually hit you. This could be from a player report that got investigated by a Game Master that then noticed that all the accounts are bound to one Credit Card. This is the most logical reason someone would think that they got the ban. But if we think from another point of view, If I worked on blizzard(Not Claiming that I do just a point of view) I know that honorbuddy can not be detected by warden. What measures would I take to actually minimize the amount of black market people, because these people are the ones that are actually stabbing blizzard mostly in the eyes since they are making real life money out of a game that they did not create. Well from my knowledge I would stop trying to configure warden or the EULA to be able to scan peoples computers. Simply because if we have an image that we do not scan outside customers computer so create and have a standard of what is good moral then we will not only keep a good image to people that do not use Honorbuddy but also to those that do use it.
A good way to actually overcome the black market people is just to scan the DBMS for the same credit card which is a really easy way to go. For those people that actually buy PrePaid Game Card to fuel all their 12 accounts I would just have checked the IP of where the accounts are directed to. If you combine those two techniques you have eliminated so many people that are after the black market(Notice also that I would not search for these people when I get a ticket report about a player, I would actually do it directly). People use different virtual machines / IP change mechanics to avoid these problems but a lot of IP change softwares are actually well known to blizzard and usually the IP changes they have are marked(not all but a lot are marked) and could get you banned much much faster than actually avoiding it.[/SUB]
Why are people that only use Tyrael getting Banned?
[SUB]- In this scenario I?m ONLY going from the point of view that the person has NEVER used gatherbuddy or anything else and actually plays normal humanable times. As we know there is a standard Routine that comes with honorbuddy called Singular. It supports all the classes that exist in the game, and why are people getting banned from ONLY using tyrael? Well from my point of view Singular is shit(no offence). For people with basic knowledge of how Singular works and how the routine is created you can easily spot a person that uses Honorbuddy and runs Singular in LFR even if he is using Tyrael. I?ve tried singular with a lot of different classes and I just took one step back and watched it and said damn that looks really botish behaviour. Another conclusion could be that people are actually getting smarter in the game as well as the bot base with all the mesh is failing people are getting more and more aware of how ?human interaction? within the game works. People can be typing during the encounter while you hero is casting numerous spells.
People that have bought Premium routines could be encountering instant interrupt, and it?s not hard to spot a person if you have not configured the Routine which I think is the most important thing to do. I have been in flex raid where I?ve seen people throw BL or Heriosm and I see 3 Warlocks where they throw out doomgard just 1megamillisecondfasterthenlightitself after it?s casted which, well is not what a regular person would do.
People are getting banned by tyrael bot, but I hardly think that actually blizzard have a way in tracking this, I believe it?s mainly from player reports because well people are getting smarter in the game.[/SUB]
[SUB]Recently some people were targeted in the community that are developers, all from plugin to actually managing and creating routines. Well a lot of speculations have been made and no one knows actually how.
One speculation I have is that I think that this was an insider job, not to throw anyone off or anything but statistics show that actually 85-95% are insider jobs when some companie gets hacked or when information gets leaked. Bossland are the one that have all the purchases ever made for keys and you purchase the same WoW time with the same Credit Card with the Same Name of the person? It?s not hard to track either way the do it. They as a service company are allowed to even track your credit card to make sure you can afford to actually pay the legitimate fee, they can through that even see your transactions simply by asking the bank since actually farming and selling virtual gold for real life money is illegal. Yeah that is if you don't pay taxes with the money earned that is(With no offence guys I don't believe anyone of you do it).
?In 2006 a spokesperson for the Australian Government stated normal earned income rules also apply to income from the sale of virtual goods. So do define it easier,: Any real-life cash obtained from the sale of virtual goods (including gold) is treated as taxable income. This means that 'selling' virtual goods is permitted.?
So since you are not paying taxes with what you earn you are actually committing a crime which gives blizzard one advantage, they are then allowed to ask for your transactions from the bank to make sure that
Now that they are searching the Credit Card transaction to search for a transaction that is directed to bossland are just speculations as all of the above, but it does explain a lot for those people who have botted before and have bought a new account and all started fresh and banned within 10 minutes.
I would recommend some tips, don't play the game to gain real life money. if you do be prepared to win and lose some. If you are only using Tyrael remember, honorbuddy is not a secret as it was before configure the routines to suit you. And don't have more accounts than you actually can handle. It could actually be safer to just have one account and farm on it like a normal person.
Somethings are not explained and I?ve probably missed some things but considering that this actually took time to write I don't have anymore time to give because I need to go.