sometimes it stop. check out plz
After entering the dungeon, bot does not work.
I want to thank you for the excellent profiles that you propose! I'd like to know if you plan to create a profile for pandaria mount??
Can't add Vault of Archavon to plan
This might be dumb question but for some reason in raid mode I only have standard run or boss run, I don't see the mount run option, does that mean I didn't do something right or that its been removed? And if so can I just do boss run, would that be the same?
The available options really depend on the raid itself. A boss run usually just means doing less trash than on a normal run. A mount run means taking short cuts and skipping bosses to only do those relevant to the raid mounts. I don't know which specific raid you are talking about, but in general you will get your mount attempt if you switch it to boss run (like doing ICC 25 HC as a boss run will get you a chance for the mount since it can only drop from the Lich King which is part of the boss run. In Tempest Keep however, doing a boss run means only doing Al'ar and Kael'thas (iirc).
run at Load Profile issue , so HBrelog can't run it.
View attachment 214631
then HB can't stop and close.
use plugin to run the task it's work
Bot isnt able to go from kalimdor to Outland - I assume because its looking for an old port, bot will fail and stop after 3 tries(cache cleared and no other issues)
Line 801 is when travel studio starts, stack trace at 827
I tried this half a dozen times now and I can't seem to reproduce it. Either it was a one-time fluke or it is hopefully resolved with the next companion update that is currently awaiting approval since I am running the new beta version of the companion.
Ulduar profile doesn't work. Gets in the salvaged demolisher and just sits there.
Works fine for me, so please post a log. Guide: How to Attach your Log
Also taking a wild guess here: You are not using Singular, right? If not: Try it with Singular.
Originally I wasn't using Singular, then I switched to it and was having the same issue. Log is too big for me to attach.