[B]Bastion of Twilight[/B]
- Twilight Portal Shapers are now focused when killing trash
- Fixed use of movement speed increasing abilities
- Character now leaves the lava faster after falling down to Sinestra's Lair
- Profile will now be reloaded if the encounter resets
- Fixed targeting priorities to handle eggs becoming immune again
[B][I]Trash Farming[/I][/B]
- Time spent outside of the raid instance has been reduced
- Bot now waits inside the raid between runs to avoid reset lockouts
- Honorbuddy death behavior outside of the raid is now enabled
- Slightly altered the route on which Shannox is approached to avoid him doing an additional lap
- Warriors now use Ravager to counter Facerage
- Death Knights now summon Army of the Dead at the beginning of the fight
- Character now resummons pets after the fight to avoid having them be stuck on the net
- Character now loots Beth'tilac's using click-to-move movement to avoid HB navigational issues
- Monks now correctly try to use Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger if they get webbed
- Characters can now enter the lava (to fight/loot) if their health is above 60%
- Bot now blacklists loot in lava when it is unable to reach it
- Improved the clearing of trash in the Alysrazor arena
- The bot will now also avoid an area between Magma Traps and Ragnaros in order to not get knocked back into them
- Added Molten Elementals to the priority list
[B]Dragon Soul[/B]
[B][I]Spine of Deathwing[/I][/B]
- Balance druids no longer use Sunfire
[B][I]Madness of Deathwing[/I][/B]
- Character now loots Spine of Deathwing loot chest if it is still there
Any plans for MOP raids? Or not until after Legion hits?
will the studio companion plugin store my buy/sell/destroy personalty? Is there anyway to make it apply to all characters?
[B]Bastion of Twilight[/B]
- Twilight Portal Shapers are now focused when killing trash
- Fixed use of movement speed increasing abilities
- Character now leaves the lava faster after falling down to Sinestra's Lair
- Profile will now be reloaded if the encounter resets
- Fixed targeting priorities to handle eggs becoming immune again
[B][I]Trash Farming[/I][/B]
- Time spent outside of the raid instance has been reduced
- Bot now waits inside the raid between runs to avoid reset lockouts
- Honorbuddy death behavior outside of the raid is now enabled
- Slightly altered the route on which Shannox is approached to avoid him doing an additional lap
- Warriors now use Ravager to counter Facerage
- Death Knights now summon Army of the Dead at the beginning of the fight
- Character now resummons pets after the fight to avoid having them be stuck on the net
- Character now loots Beth'tilac's using click-to-move movement to avoid HB navigational issues
- Monks now correctly try to use Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger if they get webbed
- Characters can now enter the lava (to fight/loot) if their health is above 60%
- Bot now blacklists loot in lava when it is unable to reach it
- Improved the clearing of trash in the Alysrazor arena
- The bot will now also avoid an area between Magma Traps and Ragnaros in order to not get knocked back into them
- Added Molten Elementals to the priority list
[B]Dragon Soul[/B]
[B][I]Spine of Deathwing[/I][/B]
- Balance druids no longer use Sunfire
[B][I]Madness of Deathwing[/I][/B]
- Character now loots Spine of Deathwing loot chest if it is still there
Is there a trick to Sinestra? I run this profile every week since I purchased it and I notice my characters die every time they attempt her. After a few attempts I end up just stopping and call it a day. about 6 toons all ranging from 667ilvl to 700ilvl mix of tanks and dps.
Just using the trial now. I'm aware that these aren't 100% afkable, but of all the cata raids, which are the *most* afkable?
I just killed Sinestra on a warrior and hunter no worries. Looks like you fixed whatever was causing the egg dramas.
Is there a setting to autovendor? I'm thinking of buying it if it auto loots everything + vendors it as that is the majority of the gold from those raids
Is there a setting to autovendor? I'm thinking of buying it if it auto loots everything + vendors it as that is the majority of the gold from those raids
OK, Seems fixed now, Does anyone else notice that when porting to Org. Character will mount on a flying mount and get stuck?
Literally every single time I start it it instantly DC's me.. once I relog it works though.
I've had to intervene on a few bosses because it doesn't use any my cooldowns as Ret and I've died to Ultraxion / Shannox
other than that it seems to be as advertised