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Quickest class to bot?

i found warriors to be really quick, yes they eat alot but with ebuy plugin u dont need to do a thing till u move places :)
but i level warrior from 1-63 in just over 9 day :)
I noticed at the lower levels warriors seem to be really fast, but so far overall I'd have to say locks. Paladins are good to but my lock literally has zero downtime aside from emptying bags and looting.
My pally has been the easiest bot that I've done. He never drinks or dies now that he's in his 60's.
some people are asking about priest and the truth is: priest is hard to level(botting) until about 50 ... and only if you spec shadow ... but, after that they can kick some serious ass ... all the ccs i have used need to drink alot tho, so be prepared. i would usually fill half my bags with drink before a session. a good geared spriest can take down some serious mobs tho ... it's the only class i have seen take down a devilsaur in ungoro solo ..

this is a great class to bot tho, if you wanna play after 80 ... i botted mainly AV/AB from 60-80 so when i hit 80 i got all my pvp gear, then dual specced shadow/holy, after that i had no problems getting in on raids ... every group would love to have a holy priest doing heals = ) or you can get in as a dps with shadow ... works well either way
Great Thanks guys I think ill try a warrior again I had a priest and warrior 1-70 using pirox but I got banned lol. I've been trying a rouge with HB but his really squishy and I think HB needs some work with rouges he stands 2 spaces back and just stands there saying to far away but I have no idea how to change that.
Warlock I'd have to say.

Never have to drink, have pet and just dot several targets at the time!
Great Thanks guys I think ill try a warrior again I had a priest and warrior 1-70 using pirox but I got banned lol. I've been trying a rouge with HB but his really squishy and I think HB needs some work with rouges he stands 2 spaces back and just stands there saying to far away but I have no idea how to change that.
I can't remember the exact fix for that (assuming you are using stabby stabby if not... go get it) but go into the stabby stabby forums and one of the last pages has a post by Metus. If you edit a few lines of code, the bot no longer stands there. He immediately starts to chase after the mob if its a runner, or if it just simply gets out of range. Rogues are fine imo. 1-80 went pretty smoothly.
Iam lvling a horde hunter (Lvl 33 atm) it goes pretty well, but it dies quiet alot and the 1-60 has some issues once in a while. But 2 days 15 hours played atm, I will try a warlock next on another account when bossland tells me where to send the upgrade money :o

Btw is there a guide for RaF somewhere? I might wanna start 2 bots instead of just one.
my new project is a rogue.. started him yesterday.. i am about to ding level 22 within the hour. I geared at level 12 and level 20 and so far has been running smoothly.. don't plan to gear again until 32-33 or so.
so judging by this thread..

Every class is the fastest to level :D

umm.. no.. you have to read.. and most importantly understand what your reading.. it's a general consensus that hunters/locks and paladins are the fastest.. the rest of the talk is about other classes not being as bad as people may think they are.
i used to do enhancement shamans back in the day.. they were so-so before watershield, but after that they flew.
Dk was VERY easy and quite fast, im testing a rogue with all boa armor and 2 swords boa equipped and he is doing quite well.

level 23.

dk hit 80 in about 6-7 days played.
I have the bot down and everything and the cc's but how often do you get gear for your toons? and where do you get it AH? or what that is the only fear i have botting is someone being like wow that gear is really bad you bot or something? idk maybe i'm paranoid
warriors are slow because they have to eat, a lot. Druids are pretty good to level via bot. just keep gear updated of course. they can heal, use innervate (at higher levels) and they only need a little bit of water.

dk's are by far the fastest levelers. mage's aren't too shabby either, just squishy if u get more than 3

My warrior lvl's fast, but its in prot so it dosnt take that much dmg, and whit hairloom trinkets it gets life after killing, littel slower kills but still fast and safe :)
Botting a Warrior right now. Doing 1-60. Haven't had too many issues, yet.

I picked a Tauren Warrior merely because of the 1-60 mesh.