Dear Eric/Tait or anyone reading from bioware...
For the love of Yoda please tell whoever deals with exploits at Bioware to look at your "metrics" because there is without a doubt an item dupe in game since 4.0. Now I don't have any idea how it is done so can't help there. I however have witnessed some events in game that the only explanation for it is item duping.
First off the credit spammers in game are pesky and annoying but one great thing about them is they can give an indentation of the game's economy. Their price of their spam ads has had a huge drop since 4.0 which makes no logical sense. Especially when you consider an expansion has just released meaning more people playing the game and the fact that credits dropped by mobs was significantly reduced in 4.0.
Secondly since 4.0 I've seen numerous comments on forums/ingame about people selling an alarming number of items such as bounty contracts, adaptive circuitry, companion gifts. I personally seen in game right after early access was launched someone in Odessen selling rank 6 legendary companion gifts in bulk. I didn't think too much of any of these things at the time because I figured people just had a bunch of stuff saved up.
After really looking at this for the past week I see people listing huge amounts of rank 6 companion gifts that there is no way possible to get this many. Even after selling them they log on and list replacements for what was sold.
For example just this morning someone listed 5 stacks of rank 6 legendary companion gifts for EACH type of gift. Just to be clear this is 99 gifts x 5 stacks x 10 gift types for a grand total of 4,950 gifts. Now take those 4,950 gifts x
30 common data crystals and you get 148,500 common data crystals. Let me just say one more time that you get 148,500 common data crystals. I don't care how many alts you have or if you play 16 hours a day. There is NO WAY you are getting 148,500 common data crystals and buying all those gifts and selling them. My god not to mention the time it would take to actually buy those off the vendor.
Now the scary part is people who know about and are using this dupe don't even need to sell in the AH. The companion gifts vendor for 1,920 credits so a stack vendors for 190,080 credits. There is no telling how many billions or possibly trillions people have gained just by vendoring them alone.
I haven't seen any funny business with higher value single items like mounts. I'm going to assume the dupe applies to stackable items with rank 6 legendary companion gifts being the best thing since they are a high price and high demand item in the AH. They also have a high sell to vendor price of 1,920 credits. The dupe however could just apply to everything but obviously you would make significantly less duping mounts compared to duping something like companion gifts.
This need to be looked at and fixed/stopped right away with as much "duped credits" removed as possible.
The original post is here ""
Maybe this is the reason for credit drop. It is the time for we botters to send an report ticket for this exploits.