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hi synik, i think its only appropriate if i return the courtesy. btw, thanks for your great contribution to the comunity so far, not that i remember which of your work has helped me, but , regardless, thank you so much =)
wanted to upgrade my invoice 32769 to GB Life time, i want to have the 4session GB Life Time.
To qualify for that, you have to:
* be already an Honorbuddy or Gatherbuddy user
<-- Yes i'm an existing customer since June 2010 (my first HB with account haukinyau was from April 2010, i gradually upgrade it to GB LifeTime)
* to have at least 1 paid invoice before the 4th November
<-- Yes, i have existing paid invoice 22300 and ******* belongs to me, i just created ******* so i can manage my bot better. I paid ******* and ********* from the same paypal(paypal email ******* (edited for security purposes))
* to buy a new Buddy Lifetime within the next 48 hours ( ends 22:00 CET on 6th November )
<--Yes, i'll be glad to upgrade my invoice 32769 HB RAF to GB LifeTime to join the 4session GBLifeTime promotion
A quick interpretation summary what i think he was referring to
I think he was talking about the main page's 1 for 1 GB/HB lifetime sub,
He had 2 seperate accounts that had gb/hb lifetime. And he wishes to do the 1 for 1 promotion for both of his separate accounts.
2 x ( 1 for 1 ) = 4 accounts
Sessions = 6 original + 6 bought + 6 additional free.
PS: hauk you double registered so the pms that boss replied to you were directed to your 2nd registrable account & this is what i interpreted based on what he typed. i hadn't even joined before this promotion ended.
again, thank you for your time to reply this. i think you're quite close to what i wanted, but not quite yet ^_^
i meant, i had an existing GBLifeTime subscription under account haukinyau, then i created another haukinyau1 to buy HB RAF to avoid any possible trouble who-knows-whats-wrong-with-the-payment. Reason for this, is i previously had my bot issue [Not Paid] ended up couldn't bot for few days, so i making another account to avoid this.
The problem is.. there is no GB 4 session promotion. If its lifetime then its 3 sessions (if it was the promotion then it was 6 sessions). From what i can tell you are saying you want to convert your 2 accounts into 2 lifetime accounts? and pay the difference?
hi there, thanks for replying. to answer your questions, below is my answer :
1. The problem is.. there is no GB 4 session promotion.
- yes there is, a temporarily promotion , click here for the link
2. If its lifetime then its 3 sessions (if it was the promotion then it was 6 sessions)
- promotion GB 1st Year Birthday stated you get 3+1 sessions , not 6 as you stated.
3. From what i can tell you are saying you want to convert your 2 accounts into 2 lifetime accounts? and pay the difference?
- not quite, i just wanted to upgrade HB RAF from haukinyau1 to GBLifeTime promotion, and yes, pay the difference. I merely included information from haukinyau to show i am an existing customer.
if you sent a pm, youll have to wait for a reply, thats just how it is. and theres no need to be double posting, and making things in huge font, i should tell you something about it, but really id just prefer that you dont do it again, instead of handing out infractions or editing your posts.
Hi CNG ^_^ You're a lovely mod and i appreciated all your work~ i believe i chatted with your on the forum chatroom before =)
I apologize for the trouble caused, but i am frustrated how this has taken alot of time, from what Bossland said, my PM inbox has trouble so thats causes the delay in receiving any new words on this matter. In this case, its just a technical issue and i dont hold grudge to anyone (joke)
to sum it up, Bossland please send message to my gmail, [email protected] with the instructions, i still not getting any PM in haukinyau or haukinyau1.
*on a side note*
i only managed to get Bossland attention to this thread by the huge Caps and fontsize, bwahahah~ will do so again if i lost my cool~
By the way, is there any kind mod will move this thread to the Payment Issue sections, the "Payment" sections wasn't there when this thread was created.
Putting this in the "Payment" section will grab Bossland attention accordingly~ ^_^
Yes, this issue is an annoyance to me so it should annoy the involved parties too, not just me, and i am persistence in getting it resolved.
if you see the timeline, it takes around 5working days just to get bossland to read and reply me here, thanks to the mega useful CAPS and fontsize 7. =)
thanks for your time. cheers~
*on topic*
still not getting any reply from bossland, what time there now Bossland's place? probably "office is closed" now... lol~
There is nothing to answer, not even if you write 100 replies with some idiotical content in them.
Give me a whole description of your problem AFTER you know what you are talking about.
There is no 4th session, i STILL dont know what you are talking about, either you write a really short statement of your problem which has all the stuff i am interested in, or just ask me for a refund, right now you are wasting my time big time
And if i see again your pathethic " thanks to the mega useful CAPS and fontsize 7. =)"
you will get a lifetime ban here ... If english is not the language you use to communicate with then write in your own language i will use the google transator to get it right
Image above show the GB Life Time 3+1 promotion announcement. I circled the important thing in red.
Image here show my account, haukinyau, an existing user of HB/GB, sent Bossland the PM request for upgrade my HB RAF to GB LifeTime 3+1 promotion. Red circle indicated PM was read before the deadline, 2200 CET 6th Nov 2010.
Image above is the HB RAF i needed to upgrade to the GB LifeTime 3+1 promotion.
Final words, let me know if i eligible for the promotion, or i dont.
Refund me my HB RAF if i dont eligible.
I looked now into your accounts haukinyau and haukinyau1
A) Why have you made 2 ? We support multiple Invoices on 1 Account
B) You added an Honorbuddy RAF on 2nd November, this is not an Lifetime its an Honorbuddy 5 Sessions
C) If you had added an Lifetime on your old account on 2nd November i would have added you an extra full Lifetime
D) There is no GB Lifetime 3+1 Promotion, if you describe it like that its an Buddy Lifetime 3 + 3 Promo, as the new added Buddy Lifetime had its own 3 sessions
E) Refund incomming, as i dont see how you have seen the promotion incoming before we even started it and you need your HB RAF refunded now as you dont fit in, i think your marble broke
F) sorry for my sarcasm but after 20 PMs and half more posts .. i am out of my mind, sorry for that!
Multiple invoices in one account? nice, but.... Here's a situation for example :
Account 1 has Invoice A and Invoice B, Invoice B has trouble [not paid] , will this affect Invoice A ?
will i still able to bot with what i paid for Invoice A?
1day down time waiting Bossland to fix this hurts my gold selling plan. And there is no telling whether it just take 1day or "Bossland taking weekend off, he's not machine and he deserve holidays" etc etc...
Yes, i am very well aware of this, hence my PM titled "request to join the special GB LifeTime promotion". Its a request. And it happened that Bossland couldn't understand me and my english and I couldn't receive any PM.
Which is why this thread is created, to communicate, to understand each other, to resolve any confusion/conflicts arose.
D) There is no GB Lifetime 3+1 Promotion, if you describe it like that its an Buddy Lifetime 3 + 3 Promo, as the new added Buddy Lifetime had its own 3 sessions
Questions : There is no GB Lifetime 3+1 Promotion
Answer : Screenshots above taken today shows only Gatherbuddy 3 Sessions and no Timelimit. Not a word showing "Buddy Lifetime" this product.
Questions : if you describe it like that its an Buddy Lifetime 3 + 3 Promo, as the new added Buddy Lifetime had its own 3 sessions
Answer : I am referring "GB Lifetime 3+1 Promotion" as "GB Lifetime 3 existing sessions+1 extra Buddy Lifetime(session) for free Promotion"
How i wish all this miscommunication didn't happen at all if effort put into understanding each other.
E) Refund incomming, as i dont see how you have seen the promotion incoming before we even started it and you need your HB RAF refunded now as you dont fit in, i think your marble broke
Thanks, now that i had your attention, will you still want to accept my money? I just want to continue botting and sell gold. I wanted to join the promotion. Let me know if there is anything i can do. Thats all.
There is nothing to answer, not even if you write 100 replies with some idiotical content in them.
Give me a whole description of your problem AFTER you know what you are talking about.
There is no 4th session, i STILL dont know what you are talking about, either you write a really short statement of your problem which has all the stuff i am interested in, or just ask me for a refund, right now you are wasting my time big time
And if i see again your pathethic " thanks to the mega useful CAPS and fontsize 7. =)"
you will get a lifetime ban here ... If english is not the language you use to communicate with then write in your own language i will use the google transator to get it right
Apologies accepted, and i'm partly at fault too for abusing the CAPS and fontsize, pardon me for that. I just wanted to get your attention. I am with all good intention.
With all that being said, i just wanted to buy your bot. Upgrade my invoice or whatever it takes. Will Bossland accept this deal of mine?
There's proof, If I hadn't posted when I did you would of just Quadruple posted like you have done before in this very thread.
EDIT: look thats how you do that
Wrong, It WAS advertising an ADDITIONAL Gatherbuddy lifetime
2 Gatherbuddy lifetimes * 3 sessions = 6
Quote from front page
Promotion expired!
Its now 363 days Honorbuddy was released. Its time to welcome the Year II in exactly 48 hours.
Until then each one of our existing users has the opportunity to order now a brand new Buddy Lifetime and get one extra Buddy Lifetime for free.