I keep getting this error when I try to load the questing profile.
1 compiler errors encountered in profile '[N-Quest] Warlock Class Hall Loader [Echo]'
'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 369 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__75()
return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.ZoneId == 8392)();
1) Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected at line 4
Bot stopping! Reason: None Given
I've already tried a clean install. Any idea what's going on?
1 compiler errors encountered in profile '[N-Quest] Warlock Class Hall Loader [Echo]'
'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 369 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__75()
return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.ZoneId == 8392)();
1) Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected at line 4
Bot stopping! Reason: None Given
I've already tried a clean install. Any idea what's going on?