Hi widds. I'm really sorry to hear of your frustrations, but I need to clear up a few things.
Most of what you see as "community content", is built on the work other people have done or from "stock" plugins being too basic and the community wanting better. Without MapRunner, there would be no MapBuddy. I think a lot of people forget how long ExVault has been maintaining MapRunner and how it really carried EB for a while as we otherwise had no end game support at all. AIF was made because the design of stock logic was too rigid and only exposed a small fraction of our API (and that was the case for years). To make AIF possible, we updated and extended our Python setup (toNyx and myself troll each other on a regular basis) for devs to make use of, as our original goal was to switch OGB over to a similar setup (that never happened though for other reasons). Likewise with FlaskHelper. Alcor's player mover is an extended stock version of the player mover, that comes in the Help folder, and he made a more convenient auto passives plugin. Then, there's a whole bunch of new original work being done that I know of, but those authors can talk about it when they want if they choose to release it. I know clandestin has released a Navali in the ComDev section that makes use of the new API for working with prophecies, so that's another awesome display of what devs can do. Tormiasz is always working on new stuff, and you can thank him as a lot of the recent API additions, were for things that were missing that he needed.
In any case though, it's great people in the community took it upon themselves to extend an existing plugin, or make something new and better to their liking, but that's our desired setup here at Bossland GmbH. We are grateful and humbled people can take it upon themselves to use our API to make things better or how they want. When it comes to original content, our focus has always been being able to provide the API necessary for people to do what they desire, and for the most part I'm comfortable saying we've been able to keep to that. The last year alone we've add so much new support for things in the game, and our setup really shines when people see those things being used. However, most of the time it's not us that is making use of it.
As you may have noticed, all plugins come with source and anything posted on the forums can be changed as users need as long as they keep to our general rules. As of earlier this year after the project was temporarily closed after a major game update, a number of changes were made to help devs access more content that was previously hid behind the bot itself, specifically, the code to OldGrindBot. However, most plugins you see, were built around that code base as it has unfortunately existed for a few years now. I have many posts talking about how OGB is not the future of EB and rather just a stepping stone in the direction of showing how to utilize our massive API to automate Path of Exile. The only reason OGB is still around, is because we need a basic bot implementation, and we've been unable to support another dev to focus on such up until this year. Path of Exile is an extremely high maintenance game, and you would not believe the time invested required to keep things up and running.
QuestBot is the next stepping stone for us in actual having an actual bot dedicated for quests for EB. We had one previous public plugin made by darkbluefirefly, QuestPlugin that extended OGB with more tasks to achieve questing. DBF, like the other devs in the community, put in a lot of time and effort to provide something to the community and worked around the design of OGB to make things work. However, that setup was never fated to last, because there's too many different moving parts when you make a "Frankenstein" setup of extending really old code with a bunch of different plugins and logic that is not intended to work well. The current design of QuestBot aims to avoid that by being independent of OGB, and ExVault uses his own code and can make decisions as needed to keep things going as he will be making the MapBot to replace the old OGB + MapRunner setup people used for years.
The biggest growing pains that will have to be overcome, is migrating from the old messy "Frankenstein" setup Exilebuddy has used for all its bots and plugins for years, into a more traditional, feature complete setup where you don't need a billion plugins to make things work the way you want. However, that takes time, and there will be some inconveniences along the way. I do not want ExVault making things messy in the future by trying to support things in a way OGB did just because people have coded around that. That hurts everyone in the long run, and continues the cycle of bad design, so if he needs to not support certain things, or not have the same QoL that was hacked into OGB over the years right away, then we're perfectly fine for that now, as the bigger picture issues we're concerned with are more important.
One of those bigger picture issues is making a stable code base people can extend without worries of design changes. Later this week, one of the final big updates for QB is coming before more work is transited to MapBot. Once that update is live, plugin developers can rework their code against a fixed design that won't intentionally change any time soon (although with Act 5 announced, all bets are off as to what will break). OGB hasn't had major design changes in a while, as the original code base was from 2014, and slowly patched and hacked up to keep working over the major changes this game sees almost every 3 months.
So, it has nothing to do with being lazy or not caring about our community/devs, but rather making the decisions required to keep the project progressing, and working towards reaching that point where we can simply focus on QoL issues rather than recodes of the API, or rewriting entire bot/plugin designs due to game changes. All the veteran devs know this and have been dealing with project changes that break code, and I do try to give them heads up when things are about to break, so it's nothing new, but I can understand if you've not followed EB for years that this seems out of the ordinary. Try not to think of EB as a traditional bot, because it never has been, and never be one, but rather a bot platform to do a whole bunch of awesome stuff. Various QoL features will come (you should have seen old EB!), but only when the time is right.
Right now, especially with the announced roadmap for the game, we need to make the large progression steps forward and ensure the API offers all of what people need so they can do their own thing if what we offer isn't enough for them.Anyways, I hope that helps, even if it's not an answer to fixing the issue you were having, which I cannot even look into myself right now, but I'm sure workarounds can be found or compatibility fixes be distributed.