When it detects the portal it will move towards it and click it (in theory). Camp only won't navigate to any spawn spots.
Only an idea:
Is it possible to make an Radar Only one?
so i move around kill some mobs and when he found an Portal i get an notify or something else?
Do not trust this profile, it does not work. It found a void portal and did not interact with it. Talk about a waste of time and chance at a very rare mount.
Do not trust this profile, it does not work. It found a void portal and did not interact with it. Talk about a waste of time and chance at a very rare mount.
<While Condition="Object(239828) != null ">
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Portal Found, Interacting!!" LogColor="Orange" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" WaitForNpcs="false" WaitTime="3000" MobId="239828" NumTimes="2" Range="1" CollectionDistance="100" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" />
<If Condition="Me.ZoneId != 7519">
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/click LFGDungeonReadyDialogEnterDungeonButton" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
[QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[InteractWith-v1963(warning) @line 38]: Attribute 'NumTimes' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
Is also in the logs, which tells me NumTimes isn't recognized. I understanding the coding you did as I went through it and the only reason I even ran it is because i thought it might be sound as it was sound in principle. Looks like the interaction with the object turned out to be an issue?
So it was just too much activity? or too much logging? I've thought maybe I don't need to message every single time it moves. I can't imagine any particular line of code is causing a memory leak its all standard profile stuff.
Hopefully we just need it to click on the portal and then it will send it to us in the mail. People who are relam hopping and click on the portal get an error saying they cannot que for scenario while in group and then it gets mailed to them. I hope that if you click on the portal and the timer for the scenario runs out it that it will just mail it. People have stated it taking up to half an hour to get it in the mail so idk how the mailing worksThe part I am more concerned about is the clicking the scenario button.
Do not trust this profile, it does not work. It found a void portal and did not interact with it. Talk about a waste of time and chance at a very rare mount.