Ya just so you know you CAN use party bot with this I tried it, because my bear tank cant really solo these even on light pulls, so I took my main raid geared character on my main account that was 720 ilvl and just set it not to loot and free for all, and they were flying through the dungeons, only problem is its my main account rofl, so I just let it run for a few runs to test it and see if it would actually work, but I leveled a blood DK at 683 ilvl he can solo the regular pulls script with ease blood DK's are over powered haha, the bear tank was around the same ilvl and could not solo it, singular doesn't use as much AOE in bear rotation as blood DK singular does, plus I went human DK for the trinket out of stuns that helps a lot. Thanks for all the hard work that went into this script! its amazing on a blood DK and a prot pally could do it as well I'm sure, tons of AOE on a prot pally