Hey Falldowns, I think this is one of the best combat routines on all of Honorbuddy for the only thing I care about in WoW (arena.)
I have been using the class almost strictly for damage rotations, whereas I control Scatter Shot, Silencing Shot, DPS cooldown, Stampede, Readiness, Disengage, and Deterrence.
I've only seen a couple issues that once fixed, would equal an almost flawless rotation based custom class
- I want the class to have zero control over Scatter Shot, but for some reason it seems to use it at random times. I turned it off on the focus section, but i'm not sure where else I should use it
- Custom class never uses Widow's venom. Is this a bug? I have it selected in the custom class, but I don't see it using it.
- Does the class use the PvP trinket? I would also like it to have zero control over that, as I believe it uses it in a snap on even the most basic of CCs (such as tauren stun)
Overall I truly feel you have done a FANTASTIC job on this custom class, and i'm really excited to see what the future holds for it. I will be watching it closely. It is difficult to find good arena CC's considering Honorbuddy does not support it. The only ones I have used with success are Vanguard, Singular (for only DK), and this one. I have had modest success with GWin Monk.